From 1949 to 1989, Germany was divided into West and East Germany. While West Germany became an ally of Western democracies, East Germany was allied with the Soviet Union and was governed by Marxist Communism. What was it like to be the church in East Germany? Hanfried Muller was a professor of theology and a committed Marxist. Johannes Hamel was a pastor who tried to minister in this environment. How did the two differ? This book examines the c ...
Faith in Jesus Christ shapes the whole of the Christian life, not merely the parts that are safe and convenient, requiring little if anything of us. The realm of faith involves not only the interior life of the spirit, but everything that disciples of Jesus Christ think and do and are, including the way we participate in the politics of our communities, nation, and world. Do you ever wonder about the relationship between your theology and what&a ...
In a time of political turmoil, how should we pray? What is the role of prayer in resisting politics that are based on hatred and division? This book claims prayer as a way to choose hope over fear. Beginning soon after the Inauguration in 2017, Shannon Craigo-Snell offered brief, daily prayers lifting up people and groups who were actively working for the common good. These prayers, collected here, provide a historical record of the rhetorica ...
This book is a work of theological resistance. It is not so much about the presidency of Donald Trump as it is about what his popularity and rise to power reveal about the state of Christianity and the moral character of the evangelical Right in the United States today. More specifically, it is about the threat of white Christian nationalism, which is the particular form that the nationalist populist movement of Trumpism has adopted for itself. ...
Are all governments–east and west, Muslim and secular, authoritarian and constitutional, Republican and Democratic–fundamentally the same, all of them under the extraordinary, growing power of «technique» and bureaucracy? Is all politics, then, just an illusory affair of lies, deception, propaganda, partisan passions, and chaos on the surface of government and party? In his vast and penetrating writings, Bordeaux sociologist Jacques Ellul (1912- ...
This collection brings together prominent thinkers from numerous disciplines to address the legacy of Gillian Rose for political theology today. Rose's work is notorious for its eclectic range, difficult style, and iconoclastic defiance of the conventions of postmodern critical theory. The theologians, religious scholars, ethicists, and theorists in this collection discuss Rose's relationship to such topics as the Frankfurt School, soc ...
Not Peace But a Sword provides a case study in religious radicalism, as exemplified by the Puritanism of the English Revolution. Based on sermons preached to the Long Parliament and other political bodies, Stephen Baskerville demonstrates how Puritan religious and political ideas transformed the English Civil War into the world's first great modern revolution. To understand why, Baskerville analyzes the underlying social changes that gave r ...
This book explores recent calls to increase instruction of the Bible in American public schools. The work develops a distinctive philosophical and trans-Atlantic assessment of these proposals by critiquing European approaches to religious education and by reviewing the role of religion in contemporary democracies. The work will spark debate among political scientists, policy experts, Religious Education instructors, theologians, and social and e ...
How should Christians respond to terrorism and terrorists in their midst? Terrorism is a global problem, and no society on earth faces it alone. The mainly Christian society of Kenya has suffered more than most as it attempts to counter the threat of al-Shabaab. Some pastors have asked for permission to carry guns. Many Christians support government military action, while others recommend pacifist stances, and strive for dialogue and reconciliat ...