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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Социальная психология
 The Fight for the Soul of the Democratic Party
 The Fight for the Soul of the Democratic Party

 Автор: John Nichols

  Seventy-five years ago, Henry Wallace, then the vice president of the United States, mounted a campaign about the “Danger of American Fascism.” As fighting in the European and Japanese theatres drew to a close, Wallace warned that the country might win the war and lose the peace; that the fascist threat the United States. was battling abroad had a terrifying domestic variant, growing rapidly in power: wealthy corporatists and their allies in the
 Liberalism at Large
 Liberalism at Large

 Автор: Alexander Zevin

  The path-breaking history of modern liberalism told through the pages of one of its most zealous supporters. Since 1843, the Economist has been the single most devoted and influential champion of liberalism anywhere in the world. But what exactly is liberalism, and how has the liberal message evolved? Liberalism at Large presents a history of liberalism on the move, confronting the challenges that classical doctrine left unresolved: the rise o
 Fully Automated Luxury Communism
 Fully Automated Luxury Communism

 Автор: Aaron Bastani

  The first decade of the twenty-first century marked the demise of the current world order. Despite widespread acknowledgement of these disruptive crises, the proposed response from the mainstream remains the same. Against the confines of this increasingly limited politics, a new paradigm has emerged. Fully Automated Luxury Communism claims that new technologies will liberate us from work, providing the opportunity to build a society beyond bot

 Being Numerous
 Being Numerous

 Автор: Natasha Lennard

  Being Numerous shatters the mainstream consensus on politics, personhood, and truth, and offers in its place a bracing analysis of a perilous world and how we might live in it. Beginning with an interrogation of what it means to fight fascism, Natasha Lennard explores the limits of individual rights, the criminalization of political dissent, the myths of radical sex, and why we may choose to leave room in our lives for ghosts. At once politica
 The Management of Savagery
 The Management of Savagery

 Автор: Max Blumenthal

  THE MANAGEMENT OF SAVAGERY tells the story of the parallel rise of international jihadism and Western ultra-nationalism. Since Washington's secret funding of the Mujahideen following the Russian invasion of Afghanistan in the 1970s, America has supported extremists with money and hardware, including enemies such as Bin Laden. The Pentagon's willingness to make alliances abroad have seen the war coming home with inevitable consequences:

 Автор: David Correia

  Radical glossary of the vocabulary of policing that redefines the very way we understand law enforcement It doesn’t take firsthand experience to learn the meaning of pain compliance or rough ride. Police: A Field Guide is an illustrated handbook to the methods, mythologies, and history that animate today’s police. It is a survival manual for encounters with cops and police logic, whether it arrives in the shape of officer friendly, Tasers, cur
 The Zad and NoTAV
 The Zad and NoTAV

 Автор: Mauvaise Troupe

  Vivid account and reflection on two struggles that are at the heart of the contestation of neoliberal technocracy and the state At a time of ever more accelerated and expanded development of natural and agricultural territory, in the aim of making targeted areas more profitable and controllable, there are inhabitants who oppose these projects with a firm, unwavering NO. This is the case in Notre-Dame-des-Landes in western France and in the Ital
 The New Spirit of Capitalism
 The New Spirit of Capitalism

 Автор: Eve Chiapello

  A major new work examining network-based organizations and post-Fordist work structures. Why is the critique of capitalism so ineffective today? In this major work, the sociologists Eve Chiapello and Luc Boltanski suggest that we should be addressing the crisis of anticapitalist critique by exploring its very roots. Via an unprecedented analysis of management texts which influenced the thinking of employers and contributed to reorganization o
 Science in a Free Society
 Science in a Free Society

 Автор: Paul Feyerabend K.

  No study in the philosophy of science created such controversy in the seventies as Paul Feyerabend’s Against Method. In this work, Feyerabend reviews that controversy, and extends his critique beyond the problem of scientific rules and methods, to the social function and direction of science today. In the first part of the book, he launches a sustained and irreverent attack on the prestige of science in the West. The lofty authority of the “exp
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