This anthology reclaims the tragic date of September 11 as the anniversary of the US-backed coup in Chile in 1973 by General Augusto Pinochet against the popularly elected Allende government.The selection combines moving personal accounts with a political/historical overview of the coup’s significance, featuring Ariel Dorfman's poignant essay, “The last September 11” and President Allende's last radio broad ...
“[Martí] added a social agenda to the historic program of national liberation and instantly converted a movement devoted to the establishment of a new nation into a force dedicated to shaping a new society. Martí transformed rebellion into revolution. . . . Like a master weaver, Martí pulled together all the separate threads of Cuban discontent—social, economic, political, racial, historical&mda ...
• Includes a foreword by Gabriel Garcia Marquez «Che Guevara in Africa.»•Fills in the missing chapter in the extraordinary life of Che Guevara and completes the publication of the series of his diaries that reveal his intellect, insightfulness and literary gift as well as his contribution to revolutionary praxis.The COMPLETE, thoroughly revised and expanded edition of one of Che’s most fascinating and devastatingly honest Congo Diary.Che’s origi ...
Competitively priced, this book is the perfect companion to the more than thirty travel guides on Cuba available today. Beginning with the pre-Hispanic period, moving on to Cuba's struggle to maintain the revolution in the years following the collapse of the Soviet Union, and finally ending with Fidel Castro's decision to step down in 2008, this slim volume provides the reader with an overview of the history of the tiny Caribbean isla ...
“If you are curious and open to the life around you, if you are troubled as to why, how and by whom political power is held and used, if you sense there must be good intellectual reasons for your unease, if your curiosity and openness drive you toward wishing to act with others, to ‘do something,’ you already have much in common with the writers of the three essays in this book.” — Adrienne RichWith ...
Compiled with access to Che’s personal archives held at the Che Guevara Studies Center (Havana) directed by his widow (Aleida March)The most comprehensive vision of the continent by Latin America’s past and future by its most famous revolutionary figureShows the development of Che’s cultural depth and incredible intellect as well as his extraordinary political acuity.More than one third of this book has never been published beforeThis is the boo ...
An outstanding new anthology by one of history's greatest orators.Here, at last, is a comprehensive anthology presenting the voice of one of history’s greatest orators, Fidel Castro. Love him or hate him, there is no denying he is a “master of the spoken word,” as Gabriel García Márquez has described him.Emerging in the 1960s as a leading voice in support of Third World anticolonial struggles ...
· Opens with Che’s first encounter with Fidel Castro in Mexico, when he immediately commits himself to join the guerrilla expedition to Cuba. · Describes the dramatic moment Che has to decide his future either as a doctor or a guerrilla fighter, symbolized by the choice of two backpacks: one with medicine, the other with ammunition. · Includes excerpts from both diaries as well as Che’s fiery speech at the UN General Assembly ...
THE BASIS OF THE MOVIE “CHE: PART ONE” FROM STEVEN SODERBERGH STARRING BENICIO DEL TORO The dramatic art and acute perceptiveness evident in Che Guevara’s early diaries fully blossom in this highly readable and often entertaining account of the guerrilla war that led to the 1959 Cuban Revolution. Reminiscences is one of the two books for Steven Soderbergh’s biopic (along with The Bolivian Diary). Feature ...