An engaging, thought-provoking look at the great debate headed our way on whether to continue the monarchy in Canada after the death of Elizabeth Carefully looks at both the pro- and anti-monarchist sides and how they fit into Canadian political traditions Also highlights the problems associated with abolishing the monarchy in Canada Many Canadians have said they want to abolish the monarchy after Queen Elizabeth dies, rather than pass the crown ...
John Boyko is the bestselling author of six books addressing Canada’s history and politics and a regular op. ed. contributor to newspapers across Canada While addressing a serious theme, the book sparkles with intriguing stories, fascinating characters, and in its many digressions, terrific humour Because Canada’s strength is its constant voyage of self-discovery and re-invention, the book’s value is its fresh perspective that will please some a ...
Examines the groundswell of grassroots movements transforming government in Canada today, and how these form a nationwide movement Grassroots movements related to environment, citizens groups, marginalized, unions, and economic justice Looks at Canadian political history through the lens of elite power and popular revolt Argues these movements are leading to a new kind of democracy where the people truly participate Author is a Governor General’ ...
A timely oral history of the resurgent left wing and the youth vote in Canadian politics Explains how left-leaning, younger and urban Albertans found common ground with disillusioned Conservative voters weary of a dysfunctional dynasty in Alberta, and why this could be good for everyone Book moves from the municipal level, with the election of Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi, to the provincial level with Notley and the NDP, ending on the national le ...
A National Bestseller • The Hill Times: Best Books of 2016 This unauthorized biography provides a rare look at the real Justin Trudeau, retracing his steps from his early days to the height of power. Having grown up in the shadow of his famous father, a political giant who dominated Canadian politics for almost sixteen years, Justin Trudeau took many detours before discovering that he was a natural politician, with qualities, such as a chari ...
This special 2-book bundle contains two cutting edge pieces of political analysis. Irresponsible Government examines the current state of Canadian democracy in contrast to the founding principles of responsible government established by the Fathers of Confederation. The book examines the failure of modern elected representatives to perform their constitutionally mandated duty to hold the prime minister and his cabinet to account. It further ex ...
This volume presents five studies on the relationship between the media and voters. Each examines some aspects of the flow of information to voters during election campaigns and all reflect the assumption that the right to vote must include the right of access and sufficient information to make an informed decision. In separate studies, Jean Crete and Robert MacDermid examine existing studies and data on the relationship between attention to m ...
This book constitutes the Proceedings of a meeting held in Pugwash, Nova Scotia, 18-20 July 1989, which was the eighteenth in a series of Workshops on Nuclear Forces held in the framework of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs. This particular series of Workshops was initiated in January 1980, that is, immediately after the NATO double-track decision of December 1979 that in the short run led to the deployment in Europe of new ...
During the last twenty years, voices from the First Nations have become louder, expressing their own solutions to problems that have plagued their communities since contact with the Europeans. Their traditional ways of thinking and living have become more visible to those from outside First Nations. Recent directions of First Nations in Northern Ontario have focused on strengthening political, economic, and social systems to promote community he ...