These are uncertain times in Latin America. Popular faith in democracy has been shaken; traditional political parties and institutions are stagnating, and there is a growing right-wing extremism overtaking some governments. Yet, in recent years, autonomous social movements have multiplied and thrived. This book presents voices of these movement protagonists themselves, as they describe the major issues, conflicts, and campaigns for social justic ...
Die Irrtumer des Kreuzzugs gegen den Terror. – Todenhofer ist ein bekennender Freund der USA und kein Pazifist, aber er emport sich uber das unvorstellbare Leid, das ein Krieg gegen den Irak besonders uber dessen Kinder bringen wird, die ohnehin seit Jahren schon die schwachsten Opfer der UN-Sanktionen sind. Er ist au?erdem uberzeugt, dass gegen Terror eines bestimmt nicht hilft: Krieg. Vielmehr halt er den Krieg gegen den Irak fur volkerre ...
Life is War: Surviving Dictatorship in Communist Albania is a collection of oral histories that guides readers through through the decades (1944-1992) in which everything was controlled by the Communist Party; what work one could do, what food was available, and even who one could marry. The reader accompanies Shannon, the author and historian, through intimate interviews with six Albanian men and women. We hear how everyday people survived s ...
One battle is over, but there are many more to come. This book is an indispensable guide to fighting the opponents of the conservative restoration. It identifies who the adversaries are as well as their methods, motivations, and agenda, including the particular issues with which they will try to advance their destructive goal – and it lays out a strategy to defeat all of it. ...
Over the last three decades, numerous radical right populist parties (RRPP) have emerged, developed, and strengthened their electoral weight in Western Europe. Yet, while several RRPP have managed to formally participate in government coalitions (such as in Italy, Austria, and Switzerland) or to informally support minority governments (such as in Denmark, and in The Netherlands) and while other RRPP have become highly visible opposition forces ( ...
Few books have influenced the world as much as the Manifesto of the Communist Party. First published in 1848, the Manifesto discusses the class struggle and the problems of capitalism and capitalist production. The book ends with a call for communist revolutions worldwide. ...
Do you ever find yourself confused about the war and violence that pervade our post-9/11 world? On the one hand, the Bible and Christ speak of loving enemies and self-sacrifice. On the other hand, the world around us teaches, and most Christians seem to simply accept, that violence is necessary in a world wrecked with sin. Are Christians a people of peace? Does that peace have to be won through war? Should we fight for our convictions? ...
As experiences of suffering continue to influence the responses of identity groups in the midst of violent conflict, a way to harness their narratives, stories, memories, and myths in transformative and nonviolent ways is needed. From Suffering to Solidarity explores the historical seeds of Mennonite peacebuilding approaches and their application in violent conflicts around the world. The authors in this book first draw out the experiences of An ...