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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Социальная психология
 Peacemaking and Religious Violence
 Peacemaking and Religious Violence

 Автор: Roger A. Johnson

  From its very beginning, Christian faith has been engaged with religious violence. The first Christians were persecuted by their co-religionists and then by imperial Rome. Jesus taught them, in such circumstances, not to retaliate, but to be peacemakers, to love their enemies, and to pray for their persecutors. Jesus's response to religious violence of the first century was often ignored, but it was never forgotten. Even during those centur
 Religion and the Politics of Peace and Conflict
 Religion and the Politics of Peace and Conflict

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The connections between religion and violence are complex and multifaceted. From the conflicts in Middle East and the Balkans to those in Southeast Asia and beyond, religion frames and legitimates political violence. Moreover, in international relations since 9/11, religious language and metaphors have acquired a new significance. In this context the emerging consensus appears to be not only that violence is intrinsic to religion, but also that
 At Peace with War
 At Peace with War

 Автор: Harold Ristau

  Although the moral and ethical dimensions of NATO presence in Afghanistan has been the focus of debate by politicians and media alike, questions of the religious culture and spirituality that underlie the complexities of both the conflict and convictions of those affected have rarely been discussed. The entries of this thought-provoking journal offer a unique window into this strange and unpredictable war-torn realm from the perspective of a Chr

 The Prophet and the Bodhisattva
 The Prophet and the Bodhisattva

 Автор: Charles R. Strain

  Can religious individuals and communities learn from each other in ways that will lead them to collaborate in addressing the great ethical challenges of our time, including climate change and endless warfare? This is the central question underlying The Prophet and the Bodhisattva. It juxtaposes two figures emblematic of an ideal moral life: the prophet as it evolved in ancient Israel and the bodhisattva as it flowered in Mahayana Buddhism.
 A Double-Edged Sword
 A Double-Edged Sword

 Автор: Brenda E. Novack

  On first consideration, one might not be inclined to view Adolf Hitler and Dietrich Bonhoeffer in relation to Jehanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc), but Brenda E. Novack does just that. She demonstrates how these three prominent figures who influenced world history all acted in accordance with what they claimed or perceived to be divine sanction of their participation in violence. Taking the reader on a unique exploration of their lives and deaths, N
 Consider No Evil
 Consider No Evil

 Автор: Brandon G. Withrow

  Even casual acquaintances of the Bible know that the Truth shall set you free, but in the pursuit of that Truth in higher education–particularly in Christian or Jewish seminaries–there are often many casualties suffered along the way. What happens when faculty and students at religious academies butt heads with senior staff or dare to question dogmas or sacred cows that the institution cherishes? Consider No Evil examines seminaries affiliated w
 Worship Beyond Nationalism
 Worship Beyond Nationalism

 Автор: Rob Hewell

  The church in the United States faces a dilemma: How is it possible for Christ's followers to worship faithfully in a nationalistic environment where religion and politics enjoy a vigorous affiliation while the separation of church and state is celebrated as the standard for the relationship between nation and faith? When nationalism propagates itself through a cross-pollination of the stories, symbols, and celebrations of the nation-state
 Religion, Conflict, and Democracy in Modern Africa
 Religion, Conflict, and Democracy in Modern Africa

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Spanning various regions of Sub-Saharan Africa, the authors of this volume come together to explore the complex relationship between religion and democracy in contemporary Africa. As a result of the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Soviet Union, many African countries have come to the realization, however partial, that political and social change is inevitable in spite of government heavy-handedness and threats. It has also become evident
 A Faith Not Worth Fighting For
 A Faith Not Worth Fighting For

 Автор: Группа авторов

  In A Faith Not Worth Fighting For, editors Justin Bronson Barringer and Tripp York have assembled a number of essays by pastors, activists, and scholars in order to address the common questions and objections leveled against the Christian practice of nonviolence. Assuming that the command to love one's enemies is at the heart of the Gospel, these writers carefully, faithfully–and no doubt provocatively–attempt to explain why the nonviolent
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