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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Социальная психология
 Die Okonomie von Gut und Bose (gekurzte Lesung)
 Die Okonomie von Gut und Bose (gekurzte Lesung)

 Автор: Tomaa Sedlacek

  Der tschechische Top-Banker Tomas Sedlacek erklart anhand von 4000 Jahren Menschheitsgeschichte, wie tief die Okonomie in unserer Kultur verwurzelt ist. Wie schon Joseph einst dem Pharao riet, in den sieben fetten Jahren Vorrate fur schlechte Zeiten anzulegen, so mahnt Sedlacek zum Abbau von Schulden in guten Konjunkturphasen. Ma?igung benennt er als erstrebenswertes Ziel. Ein aufschlu?reiches Horbuch zu einem hochaktuellen Thema, gelesen von Fr
 Black Skin, White Masks
 Black Skin, White Masks

 Автор: Frantz Fanon

  Few modern voices have had as profound an impact on the black identity and critical race theory as Frantz Fanon, and Black Skin, White Masks  represents some of his most important work. Fanon’s masterwork is now available in a new translation that updates its language for a new generation of readers.A major influence on civil rights, anti-colonial, and black consciousness movements around the world, Black Skin, White Masks is
 We Do Not Fear Anarchy?We Invoke It
 We Do Not Fear Anarchy?We Invoke It

 Автор: Robert Graham

  A critical contribution to the history of labor and radical social movements by a respected scholar in the field.Most English-language histories of the First International are written from a Marxist perspective, which is unfortunate because the anti-authoritarian contingent was always larger. This study offers an important corrective. This book should dispel various misconceptions regarding what sort of movement anarchism was when it originated

 Direct Struggle Against Capital
 Direct Struggle Against Capital

 Автор: Peter Kropotkin

  This is the most extensive collection of Peter Kropotkin's writings available in English. Over half the selections have been translated for the first time or salvaged from long-out-of-print pamphlets and newspapers. Both an introduction to classic texts and a recontextualization of Kropotkin from saintly philosopher to dangerous revolutionary, Direct Struggle Against Capital includes a historical introduction, biographical sketch, glossary,
 Ready for Revolution
 Ready for Revolution

 Автор: Agustin Guillamon

  The Spanish Civil War contains some of the most thrilling stories of rebellion against fascism in recent history. This history manages to be both well-written and engaging while offering new insight into the most storied of revolutions. The book tells the story of how average working people prepared and positioned themselves to respond to the challenges of the fascist coup in 1936.
 Weaponizing Anthropology
 Weaponizing Anthropology

 Автор: David H. Price

  The ongoing battle for hearts and minds in Iraq and Afghanistan is a military strategy inspired originally by efforts at domestic social control and counterinsurgency in the United States. Weaponizing Anthropology documents how anthropological knowledge and ethnographic methods are harnessed by military and intelligence agencies in post-9/11 America to placate hostile foreign populations. David H. Price outlines the ethical implications of appro
 Direct Action
 Direct Action

 Автор: David Graeber
 Carlo Tresca
 Carlo Tresca

 Автор: Nunzio Pernicone

  Nunzio Pernicone’s biography uses Carlo Tresca’s (1879-1943) storied life?as newspaper editor, labor agitator, anarchist, anti-communist, street fighter, and opponent of fascism?as a springboard to investigate Italian immigrant and radical communities in the United States. From his work on behalf of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), the Sacco and Vanzetti Defense Committee, and his assassination on the streets of New
 Dispersing Power
 Dispersing Power

 Автор: Raul Zibechi

  “Zibechi goes to Bolivia to learn. Like us, he goes with questions, questions that stretch far beyond the borders of Bolivia. How do we change the world and create a different one? How do we get rid of capitalism? How do we create a society based on dignity? What is the role of the state and what are the possibilities of changing society through anti-state movements?… the most important practical and theoretical questions that have rise
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Oracle PL/SQL Programming
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