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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Социальная психология
 Dreams of Nationhood
 Dreams of Nationhood

 Автор: Henry Felix Srebrnik

  The American Jewish Communist movement played a major role in the politics of Jewish communities in cities such as Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, and Philadelphia, as well as in many other centers, between the 1920s and the 1950s. Making extensive use of Yiddish-language books, newspapers, periodicals, pamphlets, and other materials, Dreams of Nationhood traces the ideological and material support provided to the Jewish Autonomous Regio
 The New Authoritarianism in the Middle East and North Africa
 The New Authoritarianism in the Middle East and North Africa

 Автор: Stephen J. King
 Becoming Worthy Ancestors
 Becoming Worthy Ancestors

 Автор: Benedict Anderson

 The African National Congress and the Regeneration of Political Power
 The African National Congress and the Regeneration of Political Power

 Автор: Susan Booysen
 Разговор с незнакомцем
 Разговор с незнакомцем

 Автор: Малкольм Гладуэлл
 Год: 2019

  Представьте себя на месте судьи, которому нужно решить, отпустить ли подозреваемого под залог. Вам предлагают либо просто ознакомиться с сухими фактами биографии подозреваемого, либо встретиться и поговорить с ним лично, посмотреть в глаза и увидеть реакцию. Многие из нас выберут второй вариант – ведь зачастую мы считаем информацию, полученную при личном контакте, необыкновенно ценной. Но именно в этом, по мнению Малкольма Гладуэлла, и кроется п
 Total Propaganda
 Total Propaganda

 Автор: Helen Razer

  A cheeky introduction to Marxism and socialism for everyone fed up with their capitalist woes. Millennials have it bad. They face the problems of underemployment, unaffordable housing, and economists who write crap columns telling them it’s their fault for taking an Uber to brunch. Today the future’s so dark we need night vision goggles, not a few liberal guys shining a torch on a sandwich. Maybe today we could use the light of Karl Marx. Marx
 In Solidarity
 In Solidarity

 Автор: Kim Moody

  As the economic crisis continues to ravage the globe, increasing numbers are looking for alternatives to the market.The Chicago Teachers Union, Walmart workers, Longshoreman on the West Coast, and many other labor struggles have recently broken out across the US. This has sent many searching for a better understanding of labor history, Marxism , and the future of of the labor movement. A social media campaign will be launched in support of the b
 Gaza in Crisis
 Gaza in Crisis

 Автор: Noam Chomsky

  Noam Chomsky is an internationally known author, called «the most important intellectual alive» by New York TImes.Updated essays discussing the latest attacks on GazaBy the author of the best-selling Hegemony and Survival (Over 180,000 copies sold world wide) and Interventions (Over 15,000 copies sold by independent publisher City Lights)Title will benefit from increased focus on the topic owing to the mounting international outrage associated w
 The EU
 The EU

 Автор: John Gillingham

  The European Union is a besieged institution. It is struggling in vain to overcome the eurozone crisis and faces an influx of refugees not seen since World War II. The Schengen Agreement is a dead letter, and Britain stands on the brink of leaving altogether. The EU is unfit for the challenges of the coming age of increased global competition and high tech. In sum, the drive for an “ever-closer union” has set Europe on the wrong course: plunged
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