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 Социальная психология
 Founding Acts
 Founding Acts

 Автор: Serdar Tekin

  All democratic constitutions feature «the people» as their author and ultimate source of legitimacy. They claim to embody the political form that citizens are in some sense supposed to have given themselves. But in what sense, exactly? When does a constitution really or genuinely speak for the people? Such questions are especially pertinent to our present condition, where the voice of «the people» turns out to be irrevocably fragmented, and peop
 Arendt's Judgment
 Arendt's Judgment

 Автор: Jonathan Peter Schwartz

  In Arendt's Judgment , Jonathan Peter Schwartz explores the nature of human judgment, the subject of the planned third volume of Hannah Arendt's The Life of the Mind , which was left unwritten at the time of her death. Arguing that previous interpretations of Arendt failed to fully appreciate the central place of judgment in her thought, Schwartz contends that understanding Arendt's ideas requires not only interpreting her publi
 Christian Human Rights
 Christian Human Rights

 Автор: Samuel Moyn

  In Christian Human Rights , Samuel Moyn asserts that the rise of human rights after World War II was prefigured and inspired by a defense of the dignity of the human person that first arose in Christian churches and religious thought in the years just prior to the outbreak of the war. The Roman Catholic Church and transatlantic Protestant circles dominated the public discussion of the new principles in what became the last European golden age f

 The Socratic Turn
 The Socratic Turn

 Автор: Dustin Sebell

  The Socratic Turn addresses the question of whether we can acquire genuine knowledge of good and evil, right and wrong. Reputedly, Socrates was the first philosopher to make the attempt. But Socrates was a materialistic natural scientist in his youth, and it was only much later in life—after he had rejected materialistic natural science—that he finally turned, around the age of forty, to the examination of ordinary moral an
 Machiavelli's Legacy
 Machiavelli's Legacy

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince is one of the most celebrated and notorious books in the history of Western political thought. It continues to influence discussions of war and peace, the nature of politics, and the relation of private ethics to public duties. Ostensibly a sixteenth-century manual of instruction on certain aspects of princely rule and behavior, The Prince anticipates and complicates modern political and philosophical ques
 Whether to Kill
 Whether to Kill

 Автор: Stephanie Dornschneider

  What drives some to violence against the state while others, living in the same place at the same time, turn to nonviolent resistance? And in this age of Islamist terrorism and Islamophobia, does the practice of Islam encourage violence? Structural explanations of violence fail to answer these questions. In Whether to Kill , Stephanie Dornschneider applies the methodology of cognitive mapping to study the beliefs that motivate individuals to ta
 Election 2014
 Election 2014

 Автор: Ed Kilgore

  The Republican party overwhelmingly carried the midterm elections of 2014, winning nearly every contested congressional and gubernatorial seat and taking the Senate after eight years of Democratic control. Many have characterized this sweep as a sign of a fundamental political shift toward the GOP. But acclaimed political commentator Ed Kilgore argues that the results of the midterm elections were a predictable outcome that was less an ideologic
 The Port Huron Statement
 The Port Huron Statement

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The Port Huron Statement was the most important manifesto of the New Left student movement of the 1960s. Initially drafted by Tom Hayden and debated over the course of three days in 1962 at a meeting of student leaders, the statement was issued by Students for a Democratic Society as their founding document. Its key idea, «participatory democracy,» proved a watchword for Sixties radicalism that has also reemerged in popular protests from the Ara
 Pulse of the People
 Pulse of the People

 Автор: Lakeyta M. Bonnette

  Hip-Hop music encompasses an extraordinarily diverse range of approaches to politics. Some rap and Hip-Hop artists engage directly with elections and social justice organizations; others may use their platform to call out discrimination, poverty, sexism, racism, police brutality, and other social ills. In Pulse of the People , Lakeyta M. Bonnette illustrates the ways rap music serves as a vehicle for the expression and advancement of the politi
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