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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Социальная психология
 The Ethics of Patriotism
 The Ethics of Patriotism

 Автор: Simon Keller

  The unique approach taken within The Ethics of Patriotism brings together the differing perspectives of three leading figures in the philosophical debate who deliver an up-to-date, accessible, and vigorous presentation of the major views and arguments. Brings together the differing perspectives of three leading philosophers, who, together, explore the major positions on the ethics of patriotism Connects with several burgeoning fields of interest
 Culture as Embodiment
 Culture as Embodiment

 Автор: Paul Voestermans

  Culture as Embodiment utilizes recent insights in psychology, cognitive, and affective science to reveal the cultural patterning of behavior in group-related practices. Applies the best of the behavioural sciences to contemporary issues of behavioural cross-fertilization in global exchange Presents an original theory to be used in the gender and integration debates, about what the acceptance of newcomers from different cultural backgrounds reall
 The Psychology of Diversity
 The Psychology of Diversity

 Автор: James M. Jones

  The Psychology of Diversity presents a captivating social-psychological study of diversity, the obstacles confronting it, and the benefits it provides. Goes beyond prejudice and discrimination to discuss the personal and social implications of diversity for both majority and minority group members Considers how historical, political, economic, and societal factors shape the way people think about and respond to diversity Explains why discriminat

 Evaluation and Facilitation
 Evaluation and Facilitation

 Автор: Rita Sinorita Fierro

  Join the conversation between evaluation and facilitation. This issue explores the interplay between the two and how one practice can inform the other. The authors represent both the evaluation and facilitation fields, describing underlying concepts that inform their practices, the competencies they seek to develop, the choices they make about facilitation in the work they do, and how they gauge success. This issue brings together topics meant t
 Building Capacities to Evaluate Health Inequities: Some Lessons Learned from Evaluation Experiments in China, India and Chile
 Building Capacities to Evaluate Health Inequities: Some Lessons Learned from Evaluation Experiments in China, India and Chile

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The World Health Organization defines health inequities as differences in health outcomes that are systematic, avoidable, and unjust; and the result of poor social policies, unfair economic arrangements, and bad politics. This volume describes the role that evaluations can play in addressing health inequities. A key focus is on the types of capacities that need to be built to evaluate inequities. Bringing alive these questions around evaluation
 Industrial Security
 Industrial Security

 Автор: David L. Russell

  A comprehensive and practical guide to security organization and planning in industrial plants Features Basic definitions related to plant security Features Countermeasures and response methods Features Facilities and equipment, and security organization Topics covered are applicable to multiple types of industrial plants Illustrates practical techniques for assessing and evaluating financial and corporate risks
 Biological Weapons
 Biological Weapons

 Автор: Kristy Young Johnson

  Gives readers a detailed understanding of how specific biological weapons work and how those affected by the weapons would be treated Teaches the reader to recognize the symptoms of each biological weapon and understand the threat these weapons pose Concentrates on the weapons considered the greatest threats by the CDC such as Anthrax, Botulism, Smallpox, Ricin toxin, Ebola, Plague, and Viral encephalitis Provides a detailed understanding of how
 Risk Centric Threat Modeling
 Risk Centric Threat Modeling

 Автор: Tony UcedaVelez

  This book introduces the Process for Attack Simulation & Threat Analysis (PASTA) threat modeling methodology. It provides an introduction to various types of application threat modeling and introduces a risk-centric methodology aimed at applying security countermeasures that are commensurate to the possible impact that could be sustained from defined threat models, vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and attack patterns. This book describes how to appl

 Автор: Monica T. Whitty

  An important new BPS Textbook in Psychology exploring the interactions between individuals, societies, and digital technologies Outlines key theories and empirical research within cyberpsychology and provides critical assessments of this rapidly changing field Identifies areas in need of further research and ways to use digital technologies as a research tool Covers topics such as online identity, online relationships and dating, pornography, ch
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