Originally published in 1940, this is an exhaustive biography of the famous socialist philosopher and revolutionary. «The following book represents the first serious attempt to give a full length biography of the most remarkable woman the international socialist movement has ever produced, and at the same time an account of her ideas and an indication of her permanent contribution to socialist thought.» Many of the earliest books, particularly t ...
В 2100 году в Москве в парке «Музеон» проходит выставка новейших достижений. Китайские ученые привезли машину, отправляющую в прошлое. Художник и скульптор Эдвард Робертс отправляется сознанием в 2050 год, чтобы разгадать тайну своей матери…
With his colleagues at the People's Law Office (PLO), Flint Taylor has argued landmark civil-rights cases that have exposed corruption and cover-ups within the Chicago Police Department (CPD) and throughout the city's corrupt political machine. The Torture Machine takes listeners from the 1969 murders of Black Panther Party Chairman Fred Hampton and Panther Mark Clark-and the historic thirteen-years of litigation that followed-through ...
В Москве к 2050 году произошло много перемен: отстроено новое здание Деловой библиотеки на ВДНХ, принят закон об одиноком материнстве, женщины стали играть ключевую роль в жизни общества. Саманта Робертс, бывшая София Овчинникова, на руках с годовалым сыном, возвращается в родной город, чтобы вспомнить прошлое…
Machen Egoisten Sie wutend? Zu Recht! Dennoch, Egoismus ist eine ganz naturliche Eigenschaft, genauso wie der Gemeinsinn. Beide mussen in Balance sein, damit eine Gesellschaft gelingt. Doch diese Balace ist bei vielen Menschen nicht mehr gegeben. Das ist auch das Ergebnis der gesellschaftlichen Ordnung, die wir erschaffen haben: Wo jeder selbst vorsorgen soll, wo das Miteinander infrage gestellt wird, werden Egoisten bewundert statt schief anges ...
?Presente! develops a lived theology of nonviolence through an extended case study of the movement to close the School of the Americas (also known as the SOA or WHINSEC). Specifically,it analyzes how the presence of the dead—a presence proclaimed at the annual vigil of the School of the Americas Watch—shapes a distinctive, transnational, nonviolent movement. Kyle B.T. Lambelet argues that such a messianic affirmation need not devolve into viol ...
This book brings to life the untold story behind the release of Nelson Mandela, as revealed in previously top-secret records. Kobie Coetsee, Minister of Justice at the time, kept an archive on ‘Prisoner 913’, on which the authors – a historian and a journalist – draw to retell the story. This is history as it actually happened, as opposed to how it has been portrayed up to now, even in writings by Mandela himself. Prisoner 913 sets right the his ...