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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Социальная психология
 We Want to Negotiate
 We Want to Negotiate

 Автор: Joel Simon

  Starting in late 2012, Westerners working in Syria – journalists and aid workers – began disappearing without a trace. A year later the world learned they had been taken hostage by the Islamic State. Throughout 2014, all the Europeans came home, first the Spanish, then the French, then an Italian, a German, and a Dane. In August 2014, the Islamic State began executing the Americans – including journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, followed
 Another Fine Mess
 Another Fine Mess

 Автор: Helen Epstein

  "A stunning new book of reportage and analysis." – Pankaj Mishra, Bloomberg Is the West to blame for failing Uganda?In this powerful story of Uganda and its war-torn neighbors in eastern and central Africa, journalist Helen Epstein chronicles how America's naive dealings with African strongmen and single-minded focus on the War on Terror have themselves becomes sources of terror, short-circuiting the power Ugandans might otherwise hav
 The Chibok Girls
 The Chibok Girls

 Автор: Helon Habila

  On the night of April 14, 2014, 276 girls from the Chibok Secondary School in northern Nigeria were kidnapped by Boko Haram, the world's deadliest terrorist group.Fifty-seven of them escaped over the next few months, but most were never heard from again.Acclaimed novelist Helon Habila, who grew up in northern Nigeria, returned to Chibok and gained intimate access to the families of the kidnapped to offer a devastating account of a tragedy t

 A Question of Order
 A Question of Order

 Автор: Basharat Peer

  What happens when a democratically elected leader evolves into an authoritarian ruler, limiting press freedom, civil liberties, and religious and ethnic tolerance? India and Turkey are two of the world's biggest democracies –multi-ethnic nations that rose from their imperial past to be founded on the values of modernity. They have fair elections, open markets, and freedom of religion. Yet this is an account of how the charismatic strongmen
 Essays in Apocalypse
 Essays in Apocalypse

 Автор: Terry Hall James

  A tense world struggles in chaos…and the clock is ticking. Events are aligning as mankind spirals into anger, war, fear, and hopelessness. Nations are at odds with populism and globalism. Political leaders and dictators vie for power and influence. Looking back, you wonder “how did we get here?” Yet, these events are only signposts to the real future of mankind…the prophetic end of days. Globalism and
 Из лап нарцисса
 Из лап нарцисса

 Автор: Фабиан Новаковский
 Год: 2018

  Автор описывает встречу с нарциссом, который интегрировал его в секту. После промывки мозгов и изоляции от привычного окружения началась отчаянная борьба героя за выживание. Читатель становится свидетелем трансформации героя, не похожей ни на какую другую. "Разрушь правила, пока они тебя не разрушили. Борись за свою жизнь" Это девиз первой книги Setted Mind трилогии, смысл которого страница за страницей открывается читателю. Автор подробно описы
 Chinese Communist Espionage
 Chinese Communist Espionage

 Автор: Peter Mattis

  This is the first book of its kind to employ hundreds of Chinese sources to explain the history and current state of Chinese Communist intelligence operations. It profiles the leaders, top spies, and important operations in the history of China's espionage organs, and links to an extensive online glossary of Chinese language intelligence and security terms. Peter Mattis and Matthew Brazil present an unprecedented look into the murky world o
 Feet to the Fire
 Feet to the Fire

 Автор: James Morrison

  Today the vast archipelago of Southeast Asia islands known as Indonesia is in the headlines because of political instability, religious tension, and violence in the streets. Forty years ago similar conditions led the Central Intelligence Agency to mount a top-secret covert action campaign designed to hold that nation's left-leaning President Sukarno's feet to the fire and prevent a strategic crossroad from falling into the communist ca
 OSS Operation Black Mail
 OSS Operation Black Mail

 Автор: Ann Todd

  OSS Operation Black Mail is the story of a remarkable woman who fought World War II on the front lines of psychological warfare. Elizabeth P. McIntosh spent eighteen life-changing months serving in the Office of Strategic Services in what has been called the “forgotten theater,” China-Burma-India, where she met and worked with people as diverse as Allen Dulles, Julia Child, and Ho Chi Minh. Her craft was black propaganda, and her mission was to
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