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Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Cloud Devotion
 Cloud Devotion

 Автор: David G. Robinson

  A personal invitation to walk with God through of the great classics of Christian spirituality. This book of daily devotions is based upon The Cloud of Unknowing. In this edition Robinson sought to remain as true as possible to the voice of this medieval classic. Cloud Devotion follows the original Middle English text sentence by sentence, with Robinson’s own translation and paraphrase, divided work into 366 small portions, with a Scripture pass
 Echoes of Eternity
 Echoes of Eternity

 Автор: Hal M. Helms

  Our oldest Christian traditions invite us to listen as well as speak when we pray, yet often God's voice seems barely audible. A bestseller since its original release a quarter century ago, Echoes of Eternity Volume II is an authentic record of one man's quiet listening to God and recording of what he heard. These brief meditations were gathered from his faithful daily devotional practice. They have the power to fuel your own quiet mom
 Prayers for New Brides
 Prayers for New Brides

 Автор: Jennifer White

  A new wife is seldom aware of the intense spiritual battle threatening her dreams of happily ever after. Often, she enters the marriage without the benefit of great examples, biblical knowledge, and mentors offering godly wisdom. The battle begins and she is unarmed. Can she survive? Will her marriage become another divorce statistic? Marriage is God’s design. He has a battle plan, the power and the resources to win. When a wife knows

 Read & Pray & Then Obey
 Read & Pray & Then Obey

 Автор: Lindsay Roberts

  You can give your day a &quot;power&quot; boost from God&#39;s Word with Lindsay Roberts&#39; 31 day devotional! <br><br>With her love for the Word of God and an appreciation for seeing God&#39;s wisdom and power operating in the &quot;everydayness&quot; of life, Lindsay shares 31 days of encouraging Biblical inspiration that you can use in your Bible study, prayer time, and other areas of your life. Devot
 Думать чувства. Избранное
 Думать чувства. Избранное

 Автор: Варвара Еврейская
 Год: 2020

  Это первая книга. Это первая книга коротких рассказов, экзистенциальных зарисовок, можно так. Лирический герой настолько занят своими мыслями и созерцанием, что давно не помнит собственный гендер, не имеет имени, возраста, серьёзных социальных связей и трудовой книжки. Вырисовывая словесными играми картину мира, изучая дотошно смыслы, подчеркивая красным слабости и недостатки человека, веря всё же в светлое, ищет его форм и зовов во всём, даже в
 Легенды ржавых шестерней
 Легенды ржавых шестерней

 Автор: Andrew Rise
 Год: 2020

  Историю пишут победители. Однако, оказавшись на стороне проигравших, Рэй и не думал, что однажды ему самому предстоит взяться за перо. Бывший офицер некогда сильнейшей гильдии, распространившей своё влияние на множество виртуальных миров, он снова возьмёт на себя эту роль. Но на этот раз всё предстоит начать сначала. Новая игра, новая реальность, новая жизнь в популярной «Age of Humanity». Альтернативная история, новые друзья и возможность возро
 Jeanne Guyon’s Interior Faith
 Jeanne Guyon’s Interior Faith

 Автор: Jeanne de la Mothe Guyon

  In seventeenth-century France, Jeanne Guyon wrote about God, «I loved him, and I burned with his fire because I loved him, and I loved him in such a way that I could love only him, but in loving him I had no motive save himself.» She called this the pure love of God. Guyon traveled throughout Europe teaching others how to pray and her books became popular bestsellers. She expressed her Christian faith that Jesus Christ lives within our interior
 Simply Victorious for Life
 Simply Victorious for Life

 Автор: Jennifer Workman

  In our world filled with unending crime, death, relationship issues, and despair, Jennifer Workman incorporates a plethora of inspirational articles to inspire and spiritually empower every reader that no matter what, they are not alone in their struggles because God is open and receptive to their cries for help.
In the book, Jennifer showcases concrete biblical citations to highlight to the readers the importance of understanding God&ap
 The Ladies' Room Reader Revisited
 The Ladies' Room Reader Revisited

 Автор: Alicia Alvrez

  "Full of Fascinating Fun Facts." -Chicago TribuneMore than 50,000 copies sold of The Ladies' Room Reader and every woman who discovered she needs to have sex at least 640 hours in her life to be considered average is waiting for more of Alicia Alvrez's insatiable thirst for facts about women, then and now! Back by popular demand, The Ladies' Room Reader Revisited picks up where its predecessor, the highly successful The Ladie
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