With information on stones for each area of life, including love, work, home, and stress-busting, <i>The Crystal Companion</i> is a beautifully illustrated guide to using crystals and gemstones to channel positive energy into all areas of your life that need special attention. With chapters like «Birthstone Secrets: Discovering Your 4 Soul Stones,» «Tranquility Touchstones: Stress-Reducing Rocks,» and «Crystal Charms: How to Choose a ...
Our oldest Christian traditions invite us to listen as well as speak when we pray, yet often God's voice seems barely audible. A bestseller since its original release a quarter century ago, Echoes of Eternity Volume II is an authentic record of one man's quiet listening to God and recording of what he heard. These brief meditations were gathered from his faithful daily devotional practice. They have the power to fuel your own quiet mom ...
Если вы хотите узнать, что такое настоящие стихи, вдохновленные и наполненные истинной любовью, почувствовать прикосновение счастья, проникнуться истинными чувствами и самим наполниться вдохновением, то перед вами превосходная возможность. Откройте её для себя, и вы зарядитесь высокой энергией романтики, эстетикой любовного безрассудства и чистой нежности, такой дефицитной в наше нелегкое время.
This comprehensive manual is aimed especially at oblates and associates of Benedictine communities, those who regularly spend retreats or quiet days in Benedictine centres and all those who want to order their life to be more in tune with Benedictine spirituality. The book contains: the text of the Rule of St Benedict; an introduction to the essentials of Benedictine spirituality; a simple daily office and other Benedictine prayers; a « ...
– Обгладываю свиные рёбра и думаю о тебе. – Очаровательно. Ничего романтичнее я ещё не слышала. Все мы немножко больны. Всем нам нужна поддержка. Все мы любим пить чай со сладким, когда за окном ветер и гром. И этот маленький добрый грустный рассказ, который не стыдно показать маме или младшей сестре, тому подтверждение. Приятного)
Find a place of rest and reflection amid the busyness of life. Daily life, even with so many modern conveniences, keeps us in a constant state of busyness. Never ending to-do lists, family, work, church, and social activities fill our minds and schedules leaving little energy or time for the reflection, prayer, and rest we need to be our best selves and accomplish all our tasks and activities. Finding Calm in a Busy Day: Daily Refl ...
Sometimes human communication falls short in conveying spiritual truth. Sometimes God speaks through whatever means He chooses—and often he chooses our four-legged friends.<br> <br> <em>Paws to Reflect for Dog Lovers</em> offers 60 reflections for those who seek to grow spiritually by observing the unconditional love and devotion of our pups. This devotional offers a mix of humorous and heart-warming lessons i ...
Tricks are one of the fastest growing dog sports having become recognized as an official sport by the American Kennel Club in 2017. In 2017 a trick dog made it to the televised finals of America’s Got Talent leaving TV viewers inspired to think about how to train their own dogs. Although there are a few trick training books in print most of these are written for experienced dog trainers or those living outside of cities willing/able to inves ...