Beginning with Jesus's ministry in the villages of Galilee and continuing over the course of the first three centuries as the movement expanded geographically and numerically throughout the Roman world, the Christians organized their house churches, at least in part, to provide subsistence insurance for their needy members. While the Pax Romana created conditions of relative peace and growing prosperity, the problem of poverty persisted in ...
Предлагаемый справочник-каталог дополняет одноименную гравюрную выставку, прошедшую в Москве, являясь при этом самостоятельным проектом.В нем представлено более 90 иллюстраций по теме Рождественской истории из российских частных собраний, среди которых произведения Дюрера, Кранаха, Гольциуса, Рубенса и др.Автор – куратор выставок: «Апокалипсис Дюрера», «Дюрер и его современники», «Благовещение» и др.Книга рассчитана на любителей изобразительного ...
For several centuries now the Muslim Midwest, notably the Northwest and the Southwest, had been the «Muslim country» of China. Although Muslims only sporadically constituted local majorities in some towns, villages, counties, and neighborhoods, they remained overall a minority in the overwhelming Han landscape of China. Nonetheless, in those areas the Muslim-Hui culture has had its greatest impact and visibility. It was in those areas in mid-nin ...
As a leader, Martin Luther shook the world. Yet, oddly enough, while a great deal has been written about his life, theology, and legacy, few authors have taken the time to examine his leadership characteristics. Luther on Leadership fills this gap by examining his life in light of modern leadership theories. This book looks at Luther's life from a variety of angles to show why he was such an effective leader. With chapters focusing on L ...
В наше время мало кто сомневается в том, что мир создан Творцом (Богом, Сущим, Жизнью). Однако, не поняв, что такое Бог, невозможно понять, кто он – человек, для чего появился на земле. В книге изложены результаты философско-психологического исследования Библии, проведённого автором, что позволило понять Бога (Жизнь), как процесс поэтапного развития потребности быть, выявить механизм развития (как взаимодействия разных форм Жизни между собой), п ...
"Michot provides an introduction into the work (Risaleh Dukhaniyyeh) and an outline of the scholarly debates concerning smoking that occured in Turkey in the 16th and 17th centuries." —Islamic Horizons"Against Smoking is a gem of scholarship. This compact book is a major contribution to the study of Islamic pietism in general and Ottoman religious and cultural history in particular." —Professor Ahmet T. Karamustafa, Washin ...
This book tackles the core problem of how painful historical memories between diverse religious communities continue to impact–even poison–present-day relations. Its operative notion is the healing of memory, developed by John Paul II. Chapters explore how painful memories of yesteryear can be healed and so address some of the root causes. Strategies from six different faith traditions are brought together in what is, in some ways, a cross-relig ...
Too often we turn prayer into well-intentioned patterns of our own making. Too often we assume prayer is primarily about words. Sometimes there's an almost magical understanding that if we get the words right, if we trust enough or believe enough, God will «answer.» But most of us know that God is not a divine magician or our own personal valet and that prayer is much more than our feeble attempts to make God pay attention to what God alrea ...