Can there be a spiritually rich engagement between Hindus and Christians? In India there is a long history of interaction between them. In this helpful book, Andrew Wingate shares something of that from his direct experience of living in Tamil Nadu. But the growing economic power of India and of the Indian diaspora throughout the world, reveal how little written material is available about Hindus and Christians as they encounter each other outsi ...
This book is a collection of seven Good Friday homilies by the late Rev. Dr. Eric W. Gritsch. Due to the fact that this respected historian, writer, teacher, and preacher rarely wrote his sermons, this book of printed meditations will be a treasured addition to any library. Here Gritsch captures the essence of Christian theology, highlighting the concepts with his understanding of human history and human foibles. The insights and wit for which t ...
This novel tells the story of the scribes who produced the book of Genesis. It is narrated by Keziah, the wife of Jonathan, one of the scribes. They collected the stories and put them together according to a detailed plan. These same scribes worked in the Jerusalem Academy during the time of the Davidic monarchy about 1000 BCE. The scribes understood their work to be a Royal Epic, and it helped bring Judah and Israel together and legitimize the ...
Arturo Madrid's homeland is in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains in northern New Mexico, where each town seems a world apart from the next, and where family histories that extend back four centuries bind the people to the land and to one another.This New Mexico is a land of struggle and dispute, a place in which Madrid's ancestors predate those who landed at Plymouth Rock.<BR><BR><i><b>In the Country of Empty Cr ...
Данная книга повествует об истории появления неоязыческого движения в России. В ней рассматриваются идеи и способы неоязыческой пропаганды, а также приведен разбор наиболее тиражируемых мифов неоязычества.
Книга может быть использована в качестве пособия священниками, миссионерами, апологетами, приходскими консультантами для ведения конструктивной полемики с адептами неоязычества, а также может быть интересна широкому кругу православных христи ...
• Completely revised and updated history • Evergreen seller for all reference shelves This thorough, carefully researched history sets church events against the background of social changes. This third revised edition will be up-to-date through the events of the 2012 General Convention of the Episcopal Church. ...
Книга написана практикующим более полувека шаманом для помощи всем желающим возродить и исповедовать шаманизм.Автор предлагает вернуться к моменту сотворения мира и по-новому взглянуть на истины, изложенные во многих религиозных текстах.
Straightforward answers to all the arguments against Tradition The popular bestseller Where is That in the Bible? showed the Scriptural basis for often-questioned Catholic doctrines. Now the same author tackles the other half of the divine revelation. When someone accuses the Catholic Church of adding man-made doctrinal aberrations that go against Scripture, this is the book to reach for. When non-Catholics dispute the Church's teach ...
Unlock the knowledge of our Church Fathers. They fought the first culture wars. They died for our faith. Honor their memory as we walk in their footsteps. Long established as an indispensable reference tool for clergy, seminarians, RCIA candidates, and lay Catholics, The Fathers of the Church has become the standard introduction to the great teachers of early Christianity. Newly revised to include more material from more of the Fathers, th ...