This accessible book draws on unique evidence from oral histories and little-known archive material to shed new light on the working relationships which led to John Bowlby’s shift from psychoanalysis to ethology as a frame of reference – and ultimately to the development of attachment theory. A unique exploration of the origins of Bowlby’s ideas and the critical transformation in his thinking – offers an alternative to standard accounts of the o ...
Любой из нас имеет все шансы получать удовольствие от себя и своей жизни. Мы не выбирали себе своих проблем. Мы не всегда можем избавиться от них, но мы можем и должны избавиться от чувства вины за них! Неуверенность в себе, зависимость от чужого мнения, страх неудачи происходят от непринятия себя. Это преодолимо! Бывает больно, бывает страшно, но из этого можно выбраться и почувствовать, что жизнь прекрасна. «Любите самого себя, достопочтенный ...
The role of play in child development is a source of ongoing interest and debate. In this book, renowned expert Peter Smith offers an expansive definition of the term “play”, taking an in-depth look at its impact on children, as well as its adaptive value for birds and mammals, including primates. Using both contemporary and classic research, Smith examines how different age groups and sexes participate in a wide variety of play, including exerc ...
The Psychology of Retirement is the first self-help guide to retirement based on highly proven psychological coping strategies. Provides the most comprehensive and coherent account of the challenges of retirement and the associated aging process Represents the culmination of over 30 years of clinical, teaching and research involvement in the main issues discussed within this book Draws systematically on applied scientific theories, accepted prof ...
A hands-on memory-training program for children and adolescents featuring dozens of practical, evidence-based memory exercises A practical workbook designed to assist students whose academic learning is suffering due to a memory deficit or ineffective utilization of their memory capabilities, Helping Students Remember provides numerous strategies and methods to strengthen memory, including chunking, organization, keyword, self-testing, pegword, ...
Что такое самореализация? Как успешность в работе связана с психотипом? Как определить свой психотип? Как понять, чем мне правильно в жизни заниматься? Как помочь выпускнику школы определиться с выбором института? ...
Bullying at School is the definitive book on bullying/victim problems in school and on effective ways of counteracting and preventing such problems. ...
Written in Irv Yalom's inimitable story-telling style, Staring at the Sun is a profoundly encouraging approach to the universal issue of mortality. In this magisterial opus, capping a lifetime of work and personal experience, Dr. Yalom helps us recognize that the fear of death is at the heart of much of our anxiety. Such recognition is often catalyzed by an «awakening experience»—a dream, or loss (the death of a loved one, divorce, loss of a job ...
Вторая часть методички посвящена способам работы с решениями, принятыми в различных типах исходных ситуаций: историях из детства, родовых историях, историях из иных воплощений.