This book provides practical advice for professionals working with transgender (including non-binary) people who have survived any form of sexual violence or abuse. It gives professionals an understanding of the impact and trauma of sexual violence on trans people, as well as the additional difficulties they face accessing services that have traditionally been designed to serve cisgendered clients. The authors reveal specific issues faced by tr ...
Therapeutic photography is an increasingly popular approach for increasing self-esteem, resilience and self-reliance in a wide range of people, including those with dementia, autism or mental health problems, school children and offenders. This book provides practical guidance on delivering therapeutic photography interventions and introduces the theory underpinning the approach. Each chapter describes a different element of therapeutic photogr ...
This is a provocative collection exploring the different types of violence and how they relate to one another, examined through the integration of several disciplines, including forensic psychotherapy, psychiatry, sociology, psychosocial studies and political science. By examining the 'violent states' of mind behind specific forms of violence and the social and societal contexts in which an individual act of human violence takes place, ...
This is a provocative collection exploring the different types of violence and how they relate to one another, examined through the integration of several disciplines, including forensic psychotherapy, psychiatry, sociology, psychosocial studies and political science. By examining the 'violent states' of mind behind specific forms of violence and the social and societal contexts in which an individual act of human violence takes place, ...
Interest in the use of digital technology in art therapy has grown significantly in recent years. This book provides an authoritative overview of the applications of digital art therapy with different client groups and considers the implications for practice. Alongside Cathy Malchiodi, the contributors review the pros and cons of introducing digital technology into art therapy, address the potential ethical and professional issues that can ari ...
BMA Medical Book Awards Finalist The number of people coming out as transgender continues to rise, and this book shows healthcare and medical practitioners how to deliver excellent primary and secondary care to gender diverse patients. This guide provides accessible and practical advice on tailoring the social and ethical aspects of practice to the needs of each individual. Beyond setting out how clinical procedures should work for gender reas ...
Moving beyond progress reports, clinical assessments and practical goals, this book brings to life the reflective aspects of music therapy. The result of a collaboration between New Zealand music therapists, it invites the reader to share their encounters in the therapy room through a wide variety of writings, including short stories, poetry and personal reflections. The addition of poems by a music therapy client adds a rare and innovative dime ...
Placing the experiences of men at the heart of this book, Sarah Van Gogh outlines an integrative approach to effective therapeutic treatment of male sexual abuse. In a culture where to be male is often to be expected to embody strength, power and being in control, male victims of sexual abuse can be particularly challenging to help. This book outlines seven composite detailed case studies representing men from a wide range of backgrounds and de ...
Some children face traumatic or difficult events in their lives, and it's essential that they are helped to understand such events and given permission to talk. To do this, helping adults need to be equipped and confident to start these conversations. Conversation Starters for Direct Work with Children and Young People provides guidance and support for any adult who needs to talk to children about difficult issues. The issues covered inclu ...