What does the white evangelical want? In our moment of crisis and rage, this question is everywhere. Scholars ask from where its desires emerged, pundits divine its political future, and the public asks how we lapsed into social chaos. For their part, white evangelicals feel misunderstood while failing to see the direction of their ambitions. We must interrogate its aims not only through its past or current trends but also through the various fa ...
Сборник рассказов, новелл и эссе о природе и природе человеческих поступков. Циферблат звёздных часов велик, когда мал ты сам. Ход их оглушителен. Дни бесконечны и каждое обещание мнится приговором, всякий упрёк казнит безнадежностью навечно, любая малая радость – счастье. Дизайн обложки : Иоланта Сержантова.
Повесть – попытка исследовать странности восприятия, повесть – гипотеза о сущем, повесть – вопрос, повесть – загадка, которую вряд ли возможно отгадать, но всё-таки – попытка…
What happened to musical modernism? When did it end? <I>Did </I>it end? In this unorthodox Lacanian account of European New Music, Seth Brodsky focuses on the unlikely year 1989, when New Music hardly takes center stage. Instead one finds Rostropovich playing Bach at Checkpoint Charlie; or Bernstein changing “Joy” to “Freedom” in Beethoven’s Ninth; or David Hasselhoff lip-synching &am ...
Patrick de Gramont draws upon evidence from infant observaton and linguistics as well as from information theory in order to make two related points. First, he demonstrates how our prevailing theories of meaning have failed to account for how we distort meaning. ...
Sailing into New York Harbor, Sigmund Freud stood on the deck and gazed upon a statue that was meant to symbolize someone else's vague notion of freedom. The embryonic field of psychology–so very interested to hear this theory, which excavated the depths of the psyche–anticipated his arrival in America with lamentably eager fanfare. Whether out of hubris or prescience Freud could only whisper, «They don't realize we are bringing them t ...
Что будет, если выжившая жертва серийного убийцы встретится с ним вновь? Бывают ли любовные чувства, находящиеся за гранью здравого смысла? Ответы на эти вопросы узнают следователи, занявшиеся делами маньяков, вселяющих ужас в жителей мегаполиса.