Why does SAS use January 1, 1960 as its arbitrary reference date? How do you convert a value such as 27 January 2003 into a SAS date? How do you put a date into a filename, or label an Excel worksheet with the date? You'll find the answers to these questions and much more in Derek Morgan's Essential Guide to SAS Dates and Times, Second Edition, which makes it easy to understand how to use and manipulate dates, times, and datet ...
SAS/IML software is a powerful tool for data analysts because it enables implementation of statistical algorithms that are not available in any SAS procedure. Rick Wicklin's Statistical Programming with SAS/IML Software is the first book to provide a comprehensive description of the software and how to use it. He presents tips and techniques that enable you to use the IML procedure and the SAS/IML Studio application efficiently. In addition ...
Hash tables can do a lot more than you might think! <I>Data Management Solutions Using SAS Hash Table Operations: A Business Intelligence Case Study</I> concentrates on solving your challenging data management and analysis problems via the power of the SAS hash object, whose environment and tools make it possible to create complete dynamic solutions. To this end, this book provides an in-depth overview of the hash table as an in-memo ...
Unlock the essentials of SAS programming! Fundamentals of Programming in SAS: A Case Studies Approach gives a complete introduction to SAS programming. Perfect for students, novice SAS users, and programmers studying for their Base SAS certification, this book covers all the basics, including: working with data creating visualizations data validation good programming practices Experienced programmers know that real-world scenarios require pra ...
Data simulation is a fundamental technique in statistical programming and research. Rick Wicklin's Simulating Data with SAS brings together the most useful algorithms and the best programming techniques for efficient data simulation in an accessible how-to book for practicing statisticians and statistical programmers. This book discusses in detail how to simulate data from common univariate and multivariate distributions, and how t ...
Confidently navigate your JMP Scripting Language journey with this example-driven guide! With more than 200 example scripts and applications, JSL Companion: Applications of the JMP Scripting Language, Second Edition provides scripters with a resource that takes them beyond the basics of the JMP Scripting Language (JSL) and serves as a companion to writing applications. Avid JSL scripters Theresa L. Utlaut, Georgia Z. Morgan, and Kevin C. And ...
Business intelligence (BI) software provides an interface for multiple audiences to dissect, discover, and decide what the data means. These reporting tools make dynamic information available to all users, giving everyone the ability to manipulate results and further understand the business. There is significant power in reducing the data gatekeeper role in your organization so that each person can quickly interact with data and uncover addition ...
Bridging the gap between statistics texts and SAS documentation, <i>Elementary Statistics Using SAS</i> is written for those who want to perform analyses to solve problems. The first section of the book explains the basics of SAS data sets and shows how to use SAS for descriptive statistics and graphs. The second section discusses fundamental statistical concepts, including normality and hypothesis testing. The remaining sections of ...
Learn to write SAS programs quickly and efficiently. Programming in SAS is flexible, but it can also be overwhelming. Many novice and experienced programmers learn how to write programs that use the DATA step and macros, but they often don’t realize that a simpler or better way can achieve the same results. In a user-friendly tutorial style, [i]Practical and Efficient SAS Programming: The Insider's Guide provides general SAS programming t ...