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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Developing Credit Risk Models Using SAS Enterprise Miner and SAS/STAT
 Developing Credit Risk Models Using SAS Enterprise Miner and SAS/STAT

 Автор: Iain L. J. Brown, Ph.D

  Combine complex concepts facing the financial sector with the software toolsets available to analysts.
The credit decisions you make are dependent on the data, models, and tools that you use to determine them. Developing Credit Risk Models Using SAS Enterprise Miner and SAS/STAT: Theory and Applications combines both theoretical explanation and practical applications to define as well as demonstrate how you can build credit risk models
 Applied Econometrics with SAS
 Applied Econometrics with SAS

 Автор: Barry K. Goodwin

  Using Applied Econometrics with SAS: Modeling Demand, Supply, and Risk , you will quickly master SAS applications for implementing and estimating standard models in the field of econometrics. This guide introduces you to the major theories underpinning applied demand and production economics. For each of its three main topics—demand, supply, and risk—a concise theoretical orientation leads directly into consideration of specific economic mode
 Strategies for Formulations Development
 Strategies for Formulations Development

 Автор: Ronald Snee

  Strategies for Formulations Development: A Step-by-Step Guide Using JMP is based on the authors' significant practical experience partnering with scientists to develop strategies to accelerate the formulation (mixtures) development process. The authors not only explain the most important methods used to design and analyze formulation experiments, but they also present overall strategies to enhance both the efficiency and effectiveness of

 Decision Trees for Analytics Using SAS Enterprise Miner
 Decision Trees for Analytics Using SAS Enterprise Miner

 Автор: Barry de Ville

  Decision Trees for Analytics Using SAS Enterprise Miner is the most comprehensive treatment of decision tree theory, use, and applications available in one easy-to-access place. This book illustrates the application and operation of decision trees in business intelligence, data mining, business analytics, prediction, and knowledge discovery. It explains in detail the use of decision trees as a data mining technique and how this technique complem
 Mastering the SAS DS2 Procedure
 Mastering the SAS DS2 Procedure

 Автор: Mark Jordan

  Enhance your SAS data-wrangling skills with high-precision and parallel data manipulation using the DS2 programming language. Now in its second edition, this book addresses the DS2 programming language from SAS, which combines the precise procedural power and control of the Base SAS DATA step language with the simplicity and flexibility of SQL. DS2 provides simple, safe syntax for performing complex data transformations in parallel and ena
 Logistic Regression Using SAS
 Logistic Regression Using SAS

 Автор: Paul D. Allison

  If you are a researcher or student with experience in multiple linear regression and want to learn about logistic regression, Paul Allison's Logistic Regression Using SAS: Theory and Application, Second Edition, is for you! Informal and nontechnical, this book both explains the theory behind logistic regression, and looks at all the practical details involved in its implementation using SAS. Several real-world examples are included in full
 Bayesian Analysis of Item Response Theory Models Using SAS
 Bayesian Analysis of Item Response Theory Models Using SAS

 Автор: Clement A. Stone

  Written especially for psychometricians, scale developers, and practitioners interested in applications of Bayesian estimation and model checking of item response theory (IRT) models, this book teaches you how to accomplish all of this with the SAS MCMC Procedure. Because of its tutorial structure, Bayesian Analysis of Item Response Theory Models Using SAS will be of immediate practical use to SAS users with some introductory background in IRT m
 Augmented Reality
 Augmented Reality

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Schnelleinstieg ins Finanzwesen (FI) mit SAP S/4HANA
 Schnelleinstieg ins Finanzwesen (FI) mit SAP S/4HANA

 Автор: Karlheinz Weber

  Mit SAP S/4HANA gehort die strikte Trennung zwischen externem und internem Rechnungswesen der Vergangenheit an. Finanzbuchhaltung und Controlling wachsen im Universal Journal zum gemeinsamen Rechnungswesen (Universal Accounting) zusammen. Das Fiori Launchpad bietet zudem eine komplett neue Benutzeroberflache und »Embedded Analytics« eroffnen zusatzliche Analysemoglichkeiten. Egal, ob Sie Leiter, Key-User oder Endanwender im Rechnungswesen bzw.
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