Oral hygiene is something that has to be taught from an early age, but it isn’t always easy. The delightful pictures by Sonja Wimmer illustrating this humorous tale by Marta Zafrilla will help teach children about using their toothbrush, with a smile on their faces!Guided Reading Level: , Lexile Level: ...
"A loving tribute to problemsolvers, quarrel menders, and peacemakers." -Kirkus Reviews. Each day, the old mailman faithfully delivers special letters to the forest animals. But the mailman has never received any letters of his own. Then one day everything changes. This touching story of friendship and love will delight readers and letter writers of all ages.Guided Reading Level: M, Lexile Level: 710L ...
Aunque gorditos y grises, estos graciosos animalitos se lanzaran a la aventura de formar su propio teatro y de potenciar ese artista que todos llevamos dentro.A fun story that teaches not to judge by appearances and to learn that each person has an inner world full of creativity. Lexile Level: 940L ...
Small, seemingly insignificant insects decide to change their lives in this story about believing in ourselves and developing the artist in all of us. Guided Reading Level: N, Lexile Level: 930L ...
Winner at the 2016 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards “Bear wants to fly!” is the amazing news that has all of the forest animals talking. Some of them think it’s impossible, but . . .why not give it a try? Bear Wants to Fly is an emotional tale about the benefits of working as a team, and the importance of fighting for your dreams, however impossible they may seem.Guided Reading Level: O, Lexile Level: 690L ...
Oso quiere volar es una emotiva historia que nos hara reflexionar sobre las ventajas del trabajo en equipo y la importancia de luchar por los suenos, por imposibles que parezcan.Bear Wants to Fly is an emotional tale about the benefits of working as a team, and the importance of fighting for your dreams, however impossible they may seem.Lexile Level: 700L ...
Kubi es un perrito blanco, curioso y agil, que vive rodeado de amigos en una granja en Vietnam.Kubi is a smart, inquisitive white puppy who lives with all his friends on a farm in Vietnam.Lexile Level: 940L ...
[b][/b]Moon?s Messenger reminds us of the importance of conserving and respecting the environment, and that we can all help to protect nature and biodiversity.Guided Reading Level: P, Lexile Level: 880L ...