Pequenos e insignificantes insectos deciden cambiar su vida y crear un maravilloso circo. Un cuento sobre la importancia de no juzgar segun las apariencias, creer en uno mismo, y desarrollar ese artista que todos llevamos dentro.Small, seemingly insignificant insects decide to change their lives in this story about believing in ourselves and developing the artist in all of us. Lexile Level: 830L ...
Winner at the 2011 Living Now Book Awards A touching and sensitive story for all ages, about accepting differences and dealing with the loss of a loved one. Guided Reading Level: M, Lexile Level: 1020L ...
Una conmovedora historia para grandes y pequenos sobre la aceptacion de las diferencias y que ayuda a afrontar la perdida de un ser querido o una mascota. A touching and sensitive story for all ages, about accepting differences and dealing with the loss of a loved one. Lexile Level: 930L ...
Winner at the 2011 International Latino Book Awards Clucky the Hen has a big heart, but she’s clumsy and forgetful too. A tale ideal for learning to accept the faults of those around us. Guided Reading Level: M, Lexile Level: 900L ...
Winner at the 2012 International Latino Book Awards Written with a great sense of humor, this tale is an entertaining tale about accepting oneself and helping others. Guided Reading Level: Q, Lexile Level: 990L ...
Divertida historia sobre la aceptacion de uno mismo y la solidaridad, escrita con gran sentido del humor y que nos hara ver a las cucarachas con otros ojos. Written with a great sense of humor, this tale is an entertaining tale about accepting oneself and helping others. Lexile Level: 890L ...
Winner at the 2012 Living Now Book Awards This beautiful story talks about solidarity, respect for nature, overcoming obstacles by helping another one, and the benefits of teamwork. Guided Reading Level: R, Lexile Level: 720L ...
Una bella historia que habla sobre solidaridad, sobre el respeto a la naturaleza y sobre los frutos del trabajo en equipo… una gota de vida en forma de cuento. This beautiful story talks about solidarity, respect for nature, overcoming obstacles by helping another one, and the benefits of teamwork. Lexile Level: 800L ...
Un divertido cuento lleno de magia que recoge toda la imaginacion de los juegos de los ninos y los suenos de los adultos. A story full of magic and fun, embracing the amazing imagination that breathes life into the games that we play as children, and our dreams as adults. Lexile Level: 640L ...