Even in the twenty-first century, critical and creative engagement with modern and postmodern philosophy is still a rarity in Orthodox circles. This collection of essays makes a contribution to overcoming this deficit. Eight scholars from six different countries, working on the intersection between Orthodox thought and philosophy, present their research in short and accessible essays. The range of topics spans from political philosophy to phenom ...
Peter Chaadaev (1794-1856) is rightfully considered to be one of the forerunners of modern Russian philosophy. There is a famous scene from his life that may help us to understand both his own thought as well as the whole subsequent tradition of Russian religious philosophy. When Chaadaev finished his studies of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, he crossed out the title on the cover and wrote beneath it Apologete adamitischer Vernunft (An Apo ...
In this volume, Jason Radcliff offers an introduction, critical appreciation, and constructive extension of the Orthodox-Reformed Theological Dialogue spearheaded by Thomas F. Torrance in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Focusing upon the Greek Patristic foundations of the Dialogue, as seen particularly in the «shared rapport» between Torrance and Archbishop Methodios Fouyas as well as the monumental theological outcome of the Dialogue, «The Agre ...
The Orthodox Church has been characterized by some as «the best-kept secret in North America.» Making use of personal interviews and correspondence, magazine and news articles, and other publications, Timothy Cremeens weaves the story of a spiritual renewal movement that began in the United States in the early 1960s and rapidly spread around the globe touching millions of Roman Catholics and Protestants, what is today called the Charismatic Rene ...
It is well known that energy is a fundamental concept in physics. Much less well known is that it is also a key concept in Eastern Christian or Orthodox theology. This book from Dr. Stoyan Tanev–a physicist, innovation management scholar, and theologian–provides a comparative analysis of the conceptualizations of energy in Orthodox theology and in physics, and demonstrates the potential of such comparison for a better understanding of these two ...
Собранные в этой книге небольшие иллюстрированные рассказы, описывающие доблестные и славные деяния, примеры из жизни христианских подвижников и их душеполезные изречения, призваны помочь родителям в нелегком, но совершенно необходимом деле православного воспитания детей. Богоугодные поступки и назидания святых людей дадут детям наглядные примеры для подражания, помогут им идти путем, ведущим в Царство Небесное.
В романе Галины Мамыко «Восьмой День» люди будущего живут в постоянном дефиците времени, которое поглощают компьютерные развлечения. В небе и на земле, в летающих машинах, на самодвижущихся дорогах курсируют тысячи людей-зомби в очках-компьютерах. В институтах, школах, больницах, органах власти не слышат и не видят ничего вокруг себя тихие толпы тех, кто бдит внутри своих очков-компьютеров. Двенадцатилетнего героя романа Костю Румянова родители ...
Сборник христианских рассказов. Трогательные, высокодуховные, глубокие по сути рассказы, задевающие струны человеческого сердца, отмечены удивительной нравственной чистотой. В каждом раскрывается один из аспектов христианства: милосердие, жертвенность, сострадание, вера. Герои рассказов – не только люди, но и Ангелы, незримо присутствующие среди нас. Лёгкие, воздушные сюжеты, прозрачный слог, серебряная нить фантазии и чуть старомодное благородс ...
Covering an expanse of more than three thousand years, Hellenic Temples and Christian Churches charts, in one concise volume, the history of Greece’s religious cultures from antiquity all the way through to present, post-independence Greece.Focusing on the encounter and interaction between Hellenism and (Orthodox) Christianity, which is the most salient feature of Greece’s religious landscape—influencing not only Greek religious histo ...