Joanna Hall, the popular diet and fitness presenter for ITV’s This Morning show, reveals her simple 5 step fat loss plan. The golden rule is ‘no carbs after 5pm’ – and with Joanna Hall’s help the rest is easy!Joanna Hall introduces her simple ‘Carb Curfew’ plan- no carbs after 5pm- to help you lose weight.Joanna’s weight-loss plan consists of just 5 simple steps, making this fitness regime easy to remember, understand and follow.Includes 40 new ...
All foods are either acid- or alkaline-forming and the body's health and beauty is entirely affected by choosing the right balance.Too many acid-forming foods can lead to conditions such as low energy, lifeless skin and hair and brittle bones.This practical book provides a 3 stage plan, food lists and simple recipe ideas.Each food we eat is either acid- or alkaline-forming due to how it is metabolised at cellular level. As our body is held withi ...
Dieting is so much easier thanks to Nigel Denby's fantastically simple GL diet. There's no calorie or point counting, no hunger, no guilt and no faddy food rules. Even better, you can drop a size in 10 days – and keep it off. All you need to do is stick to a few simple eating guidelines and enjoy his delicious recipes and flexible meal plans.GL, or Glycaemic Load, gets better results than GI (Glycaemic Index) because it helps you manage the qual ...
GI is only half the picture – it’s the load that counts. GL, or Glycaemic Loading, is the newest diet revolution – it is simpler than low GI and more effective, too. Start today and watch the pounds melt away – and stay away. With this fantastic new plan you can love food and not feel guilty!Kick-start your new life to a slimmer and fitter you with The 7-Day GL Diet. Glycaemic Loading is the smart way to permanent weight loss as it allows you to ...
Drs Michael F. Roizen and Mehmet C. Oz, authors of the million-copy bestseller ‘YOU: The Owner's Manual’, have devised a diet that is so effective you'll notice changes in your body immediately. Starting with a Two-Week Reboot that will help you lose up to two inches around your waist, you will shed your unwanted pounds forever.‘YOU on a Diet’ is not another faddy crash-diet weight loss plan: you will lose weight – and a lot of it – but you will ...
From the best selling authors of Food Combining for Health and Food Combining For Vegetarians and with a foreword by Doris Grant – the Food Combining for Health Cookbook is the definitive recipe collection and nutrition guide for food combiners.Don’t Mix Foods That Fight!The motto of food combiners is still working for the many thousands of people in the UK now following a food combining diet as popularised by Doris Grant and the hugely successf ...
Вряд ли среди нас найдется хоть один человек, который полностью доволен своей внешностью, телом и весом. Пора покончить с бесконечным марафоном по потере и набору килограммов. Эта книга поможет разорвать повторяющийся круг из диет и зажоров, восстановить здоровье, достичь идеальной формы и похудеть навсегда. Благодаря точной и проверенной информации, эффективному научному плану, разнообразным заданиям и тестам вы сможете с легкостью разобраться ...
Книга является практическим руководством для создания красивого и здорового тела без волшебных таблеток и метода силы воли. Это сборник практических советов, созданных на основании западных исследований. На сегодняшний день эта система похудения не имеет аналогов на российском информационном пространстве.
Надоели бесполезные диеты? Старые платья уменьшились на два размера и потерялись в шкафу? В гостиной бардак, на кухне кавардак, и вы снова сидите в любимом кафе, заедая эклером тяжелый день?
Пора навести во всем порядок!
Шаг за шагом освободите комнаты от ненужных вещей, выветрите старые привычки вместе с пылью, наполните холодильник свежими продуктами по сезону, и вы сами не заметите, как постройнеет ваше тело.
Симидзу Риэ расскажет, как ...