The No-Nonsense Guide to a Smaller You and a Healthier Planet
Wardrobe stylist Kami Gray doesn’t trust her bathroom scale but says a pair of jeans will never lie. Kami ought to know. She’s spent twenty-two years cultivating a way of eating that makes sure her favorite jeans will always fit. In The Denim Diet, she presents her fun, no-nonsense blueprint for healthy eating in sixteen easy-to-remember habits to make and habits ...
Meal by Meal is a book of comfort, guidance, and insight for anyone with an unhealthy relationship with food. Its power is in its approach: each day is a self-contained journey of conscious eating to help people nurture new and sustainable attitudes and practices. Although bad habits cannot be changed overnight, the author – Buddhist devotee Donald Altman – shows how to find peace by focusing on food issues one meal at a time. He shares inspirat ...
Originally published in 1987, Diet for a New America awakened the conscience of a nation with its startling examination of the food we buy and eat – and the moral, economic, and medical price we pay for it. Drawing a clear line connecting America’s factory farm system with disease, animal cruelty, and ecological crises, Robbins makes perhaps the most eloquent argument for vegetarianism ever published. Robbins walked away from his family’s busine ...
Updated edition of one of the most highly respected resources on juvenile diabetes, from the Diabetes Team at the world-renowned Hospital for Sick Children. For the parents and caregivers of over 15,000 children diagnosed with diabetes every year, the key to successful diabetes management is to learn as much as possible about juvenile diabetes. Armed with this knowledge, they will be able to improve quality of life for both their children and ...
A newly updated edition from one of the most respected and authoritative experts on Crohn's and colitis. For anyone who suffers from Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, an understanding of inflammatory bowel disease is the key to developing effective management strategies. Crohn's and Colitis aims to help patients deepen their knowledge about their disease, and it has been recognized by practitioners and patients alike for ...
This is the food of the gods, this is the food to turn us into superbeings who save humanity from disaster in a tidal wave of love and positivity. How would it be to eat the most divine tasting dishes at every meal, gourmet food fit for kings and queens? How would it be if this was made with the most incredibly nutritious fruits and vegetables available on the planet? ...
Kluczem do prawidlowo zbilansowanej diety jest sezonowosc – warto zwracac na nia uwage przy robieniu zakupow. Dzieki temu mamy szanse na zdrowsze zycie i wspomagamy dzialalnosc lokalna. W dobie globalnych rynkow i technologii wspomagajacych wytwarzanie zywnosci czesto zapominamy, ze najpyszniejsze warzywa i owoce to te, ktore dojrzewaly we wlasciwym sobie czasie i miejscu. Wspomagacze i warunki transportu nie tylko psuja ich smak, ale i obnizaja ...
Odkryj moc sirtuin, aby zachowac zdrowie i mlody wyglad.
Aby cieszyc sie zdrowiem i ladna sylwetka, nie trzeba odmawiac sobie jedzenia. Z pomoca przychodza substancje zwane sirtuinami. Stosunkowo niedawno odkryte odgrywaja wazna role w regulacji dlugosci zycia, a tym samym w terapii wielu chorob zwiazanych z podeszlym wiekiem i otyloscia. Dieta SIRT, polegajaca na spozywaniu produktow z wysoka zawartoscia aktywatorow sirtuin, moze wplywac ...
Takes the guesswork out of what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinnerKnowing what to eat with diabetes can be frustrating, but it’s the most important way to manage the disease. It’s also the area where people give up the fastest, but with Ultimate Diabetes Meal Planner you will never have to ask “What’s for dinner?” again.The Ultimate Diabetes Meal Planner includes weekly plans for breakfast, l ...