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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 О психологии популярно
 The Disappointment Dragon
 The Disappointment Dragon

 Автор: Kay Al-Ghani
 Theory of Mind and the Triad of Perspectives on Autism and Asperger Syndrome
 Theory of Mind and the Triad of Perspectives on Autism and Asperger Syndrome

 Автор: Olga Bogdashina

  Inspired by the often uncomfortable interplay between autistic individuals, parents and professionals in understanding autistic spectrum conditions, Olga Bogdashina uses the concept of Theory of Mind (ToM) to consider these groups' different (and often conflicting) perspectives. ToM is the ability to imagine and make judgements about what others feel and think; its absence in autistic individuals is called 'mindblindness'. This b
 Listening to Young Children, Expanded Third Edition
 Listening to Young Children, Expanded Third Edition

 Автор: Alison Clark


 Why Smart People Hurt
 Why Smart People Hurt

 Автор: Eric Maisel

  Make Your Gifted Life Meaningful Overcome your unique challenges.  The challenges smart and creative people encounter—from scientific researchers and genius award winners to bestselling novelists, Broadway actors, high-powered attorneys, and academics—often include anxiety, overthinking, mania, sadness, and despair. In  Why Smart People Hurt , natural psychology specialist and creativity coach Dr. Eric Maisel draws on his man
 Stop Bedwetting in Seven Days
 Stop Bedwetting in Seven Days

 Автор: Alicia Eaton

  [i][/i]This best-selling book is an easy-to-read guide for parents, using the latest thinking from the fields of positive psychology, NLP and hypnotherapy to help children overcome bedwetting more easily. The seven-day programme also comes with downloadable hypnotic audio recording ‘Dry Beds Now’, which is filled with positive suggestions to make changing this unwanted habit easier.  This fully revised and updated edition includes impr
 6 элементов твоего счастья. Узнай, что сделает тебя счастливой
 6 элементов твоего счастья. Узнай, что сделает тебя счастливой

 Автор: Анна Тереза Коваль
 Год: 2020

  Счастье – субъективное понятие, для каждого оно индивидуально. Небольшая по объему книга Анны Терезы Коваль поможет вам разобраться в себе при помощи теста по методике Рифф. Шесть его компонентов подскажут, какие области жизни уже приносят вам счастье и полную гармонию, а в направлении каких ещё стоит поработать. Автор рассказывает, как найти свой путь к счастью, изменить свое отношение к неудачам и научиться ценить то, на что раньше не обращал
 Adolescence in Context
 Adolescence in Context

 Автор: Tara L. Kuther

  Adolescence: Lives in Context  is a topically oriented text for the Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood development course organized around three key themes: the centrality of context, the importance of research, and the applied value of developmental science. The text, developed by teacher and scholar Tara Kuther, will be written to engage students through her digestible, student-friendly writing style.  Adolescence: Lives in
 Understanding Death and Dying
 Understanding Death and Dying

 Автор: Frank E. Eyetsemitan
 Understanding Death and Dying
 Understanding Death and Dying

 Автор: Frank E. Eyetsemitan

  Understanding Death and Dying by Frank E. Eyetsemitan teaches students about death, dying, bereavement, and afterlife beliefs by asking them to apply this content to their lives and to the world around them. Students see differing cultural experiences discussed in context with key theories and research. The text’s pedagogy delivers relevant multi- and cross-cultural applications and connections across topics. This helps students eval
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