This volume presents documents that illustrate the variety of experiences and themes involved in the transformation of American political, economic, and social systems during the Gilded Age and Progressive Era (1870-1920). Includes nearly 70 documents which cover the period from the end of the Civil War and Reconstruction in the 1870s through World War I Explores the experiences of people during the Gilded Age and Progressive Era from a variety ...
Contemporary Latin America presents the epochal political, economic, social, and cultural changes in Latin America over the last 40 years and comprehensively examines their impact on life in the region, and beyond. Provides a fresh approach and a new interpretation of the seismic changes of the last 40 years in Latin America Introduces major themes from a humanistic and universal perspective, putting each subject in a context that readers can un ...
A Companion to World War II brings together a series of fresh academic perspectives on World War II, exploring the many cultural, social, and political contexts of the war. Essay topics range from American anti-Semitism to the experiences of French-African soldiers, providing nearly 60 new contributions to the genre arranged across two comprehensive volumes. A collection of original historiographic essays that include cutting-edge research Analy ...
Изменения климата, иногда внезапные, но часто постепенные, порой вносят существенные изменения в историю отдельных стран и народов. В этой книге рассматриваются исторические примеры, когда климат выступал на историческую арену и вносил свои исправления: колония викингов в Гренландии, Московское государство перед Смутой, Тангутское царство и другие подобные случаи.
Ця книга – роздуми істориків Львова, Івано-Франківська, Рівного, Луцька про суспільно-політичне й культурно-освітнє життя Галичини і Волині між двома світовими війнами, під польською займанщиною, в часи українсько-польських протистоянь – від війни 1918–1919 років до Волинської трагедії 1943-го, в ході яких гинули як поляки, так і українці.
Основним напрямом національної політики Другої Речі Посполитої стало забезпечення територіальної ціліснос ...
A Companion to Franklin D. Roosevelt presents a collection of historiographical essays by leading scholars that provides a comprehensive review of the scholarship on the president who led the United States through the tumultuous period from the Great Depression to the waning days of World War II. Represents a state-of-the-art assessment of current scholarship on FDR, the only president elected to four terms of office and the central figure in ke ...
This companion offers an overview of Lyndon B. Johnson's life, presidency, and legacy, as well as a detailed look at the central arguments and scholarly debates from his term in office. Explores the legacy of Johnson and the historical significance of his years as president Covers the full range of topics, from the social and civil rights reforms of the Great Society to the increased American involvement in Vietnam Incorporates the dramatic new ...