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 A Companion to Theodore Roosevelt
 A Companion to Theodore Roosevelt

 Автор: Serge Ricard

  A Companion to Theodore Roosevelt is the first comprehensive anthology to encompass Roosevelt as whole, highlighting both his personality and his skilled diplomacy. Revitalizes and internationalizes scholarship on this most popular and highly-rated American president Covers many aspects of Roosevelt’s personality and his policies, domestic and foreign, to create a complete picture of the man Provides scholarship from both sides of the Atlantic,
 A Companion to Richard M. Nixon
 A Companion to Richard M. Nixon

 Автор: Melvin Small

  This companion offers an overview of Richard M. Nixon’s life, presidency, and legacy, as well as a detailed look at the evolution and current state, of Nixon scholarship. Examines the central arguments and scholarly debates that surround his term in office Explores Nixon’s legacy and the historical significance of his years as president Covers the full range of topics, from his campaigns for Congress, to his career as Vice-President, to his pres
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 The United States at War, 1941 - 1945

 Автор: Gary Hess R.

  This 3rd edition presents a concise overview of how the war was fought as well as a consideration of the ways in which Americans regarded allies and enemies, embraced heroes, and viewed the war's purpose. Making the important distinction between popular notions and military and political realities, Gary Hess helps today's readers to better understand the complexity of the conflict. Updated to incorporate the latest scholarship, this latest editi

 A Companion to Harry S. Truman
 A Companion to Harry S. Truman

 Автор: Daniel Margolies S.

  With contributions from the most accomplished scholars in the field, this fascinating companion to one of America's pivotal presidents assesses Harry S. Truman as a historical figure, politician, president and strategist. Assembles many of the top historians in their fields who assess critical aspects of the Truman presidency Provides new approaches to the historiography of Truman and his policies Features a variety of historiographic methodolog
 Fear and Progress. Ordinary Lives in Franco's Spain, 1939-1975
 Fear and Progress. Ordinary Lives in Franco's Spain, 1939-1975

 Автор: Antonio Sanchez Cazorla

  Utilizing hundreds of confidential documents from authorities in the Franco government, Fear and Progress: Ordinary Lives in Franco's Spain, 1939-1975 recounts the experiences of Spanish citizens who lived during the 40-year Franco dictatorship. Rejects traditional explanations of the length of Franco's power and the dictator's legacy Utilizes hundreds of confidential documents from authorities in the Franco government Provides insights into lif
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 Contemporary America. Power, Dependency, and Globalization since 1980

 Автор: M. Heale J.

  This history of America’s recent past focuses on the importance of the United States’ interaction with the outside world and includes detailed accounts of the presidencies of Reagan, Clinton and George W. Bush. Provides a substantial account of the dramatic history of America since 1980, covering the Reagan years, the Clinton presidency, the impact of 9/11, the War on Terror, and the election of Barack Obama Based on both secondary and primary r
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 Europe between Democracy and Dictatorship. 1900 - 1945

 Автор: Conan Fischer

  Fischer offers a captivating analysis of Europe’s turbulent history during the first half of the twentieth century, from the optimism at the turn of the century to the successive waves of destruction of the First and Second World Wars. Written by a leading authority in this field, the book draws upon his areas of expertise Reflects the most recent scholarship in this period of history While laying stress on Europe's major powers and the seminal
 Contemporary China. A History since 1978
 Contemporary China. A History since 1978

 Автор: Yongnian Zheng

  Using new research and considering a multidisciplinary set of factors, Contemporary China offers a comprehensive exploration of the making of contemporary China. Provides a unique perspective on China, incorporating newly published materials from within and outside China, in English and Chinese. Discusses both the societal and economic aspects of China’s development, and how these factors have affected Chinese elite politics Includes coverage of
 Хроники ближнего бомбардировщика. Су-2 и его экипажи. 1941–1943
 Хроники ближнего бомбардировщика. Су-2 и его экипажи. 1941–1943

 Автор: Дмитрий Дёгтев
 Год: 2018

  В основе книги лежит драматичная биография Героя Советского Союза Анатолия Самочкина, совершившего в годы войны 198 боевых вылетов, большую часть из которых на самолете Су-2. Кроме того, собран и обобщен материал о многих других пилотах и штурманах ближнебомбардировочной авиации, показан боевой путь 289-го и 209-го ближнебомбардировочных авиационных полков, а также корректировочно-разведывательных эскадрильях, являвшихся элитными специализирован
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