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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
 Научно-практические журналы
 Mutiny at Koje Island
 Mutiny at Koje Island

 Автор: Hal Vetter

 Salmagundi Vietnam
 Salmagundi Vietnam

 Автор: Don Pratt

  This collection of some 200 anecdotes emanating from the war in Vietnam presents a realistic picture of the ups and downs of American's Best serving a tour in Vietnam. A potpourri of booze, sex, satire, humor, and, of course, not to be forgotten, fire-fights with «Charlie,» and death.Author’s say «when the hard-core Bonnie Rat returns home from a tour in Vietnam, he also has no qualms about telling it how it is.» This is precisely
 Biographies for Kids - All about Anne Frank: Who Was She? - Children's Biographies of Famous People Books
 Biographies for Kids - All about Anne Frank: Who Was She? - Children's Biographies of Famous People Books

 Автор: Baby Professor

  Have you heard about Ann Frank? She was a young girl who died during the holocaust. But what made her special is the diary that she left behind. Learn about Anne Frank’s short but significant life in the following pages. Discover how she used the power of words to immortalize her experiences. Read this book today!

 Mark Twain among the Indians and Other Indigenous Peoples
 Mark Twain among the Indians and Other Indigenous Peoples

 Автор: Kerry Driscoll

  Mark Twain among the Indians and Other Indigenous Peoples is the first book-length study of the writer’s evolving views regarding the aboriginal inhabitants of North America and the Southern Hemisphere, and his deeply conflicted representations of them in fiction, newspaper sketches, and speeches. Using a wide range of archival materials—including previously unexamined marginalia in books from Clemens’s personal lib
 The Doctor Faustus Dossier
 The Doctor Faustus Dossier

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Arnold Schoenberg and Thomas Mann, two towering figures of twentieth-century music and literature, both found refuge in the German-exile community in Los Angeles during the Nazi era. This complete edition of their correspondence provides a glimpse inside their private and public lives and culminates in the famous dispute over Mann&rsquo;s novel <I>Doctor Faustus</I>. In the thick of the controversy was Theodor Adorno, then a budd
 Letters from Langston
 Letters from Langston

 Автор: Langston Hughes

  Langston Hughes, one of America&#39;s greatest writers, was an innovator of jazz poetry and a leader of the Harlem Renaissance whose poems and plays resonate widely today. Accessible, personal, and inspirational, Hughes&rsquo;s poems portray the African American community in struggle in the context of a turbulent modern United States and a rising black freedom movement. This indispensable volume of letters between Hughes and four leftist
 The Selected Letters of Robert Creeley
 The Selected Letters of Robert Creeley

 Автор: Robert Creeley

  Robert Creeley is one of the most celebrated and influential American poets. A stylist of the highest order, Creeley imbued his correspondence with the literary artistry he brought to his poetry. Through his engagements with mentors such as William Carlos Williams and Ezra Pound, peers such as Charles Olson, Robert Duncan, Denise Levertov, Allen Ginsberg, and Jack Kerouac, and mentees such as Charles Bernstein, Anselm Berrigan, Ed Dorn, Susan Ho
 In the Clutches of the Law
 In the Clutches of the Law

 Автор: Clarence Darrow

  This volume presents a selection of 500 letters by Clarence Darrow, the pre-eminent courtroom lawyer of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Randall Tietjen selected these letters from over 2,200 letters in archives around the country, as well as from one remarkable find—the kind of thing historians dream about: a cache of about 330 letters by Darrow hidden away in the basement of Darrow’s granddaughter’s house. This collection provi
 Selected Letters
 Selected Letters

 Автор: Charles Olson
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