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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual


Автор: Mark Nestmann
Издательство: Ingram
Cтраниц: 1
Размер: 0
ISBN: 9781891266409
Качество: excellent
On every front, 24 hours a day, you and your wealth face threats of an intensity that would have been unimaginable only a few short years ago. A sinister marriage of law and technology has made the pervasive and continuous surveillance that George Orwell warned of a reality. Identity thieves, greedy lawyers and the government have been quick to exploit this fast-evolving global surveillance network:<br><br>&#165;Data thieves can hijack your PC with easy-to-use hacking tools that even a 10-year old can master. After stealing your log-on passwords, they can drain your bank accounts. <br><br>&#165;If someone has a grudge against you, he can learn whether you&#39;re &quot;worth suing&quot; with a few clicks of a mouse. Hundreds of Web sites offer asset-tracking services to find your real estate ownership records, bank account balances, and much more. <br>&#165;Secret government data mining programs monitor your personal and financial activities 24 hours a day for &quot;suspicious transactions.&quot; One oversight&Ntilde;becoming friends on Facebook with a suspected terrorist, withdrawing too much cash, unknowingly renting property to someone with a criminal background, etc.&Ntilde;and you could find yourself under arrest and your assets frozen. <br>. <br>Fortunately, you CAN fight back. You can secure your PC to make it virtually invulnerable to hackers. You can legally create international &quot;lifeboats&quot; of wealth and privacy that are practically invulnerable to snooping. You can understand what the government regards as suspicious … and avoid raising your profile unnecessarily. <br><br>The Lifeboat Strategy (2011) shows you exactly what you need to do to counter today&#39;s threats to wealth and privacy. It documents today&#39;s unprecedented threats to wealth and privacy and reveals hundreds of completely legal strategies to deal with them: private investments, opportunities, and strategies inside&Ntilde;and outside&Ntilde;the United States. And, it&#39;s written in language you can understand and put to work to protect yourself and your family. <br><br>Special bonus report accompanying The Lifeboat Strategy (2011): How to Find Your Own Safe Haven Offshore. In this report, you you&#39;ll learn: <br><br>&#165;The 11 countries best suited for wealth preservation <br>&#165;Which countries offer the most to prospective immigrants?<br>&#165;How to legally purchase a second passport&ndash;and why you might want to.<br>&#165;In the current economic crisis, which &quot;asset havens&quot; will survive&Ntilde;or not? <br><br>As the U.S. dollar collapses and the world moves into fiscal chaos, planning your own &quot;escape from America&quot; has never been more important. And this free special bonus report shows you, step-by-step, how to proceed.

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