This book provides an overview of the main methods and results in the formal study of the human decision-making process, as defined in a relatively wide sense. A key aim of the approach contained here is to try to break down barriers between various disciplines encompassed by this field, including psychology, economics and computer science. All these approaches have contributed to progress in this very important and much-studied topic in the pas ...
Filled with case studies from firms such as GT Automotive, GE Healthcare China, Vale, Dominos, Swiss Re Americas Division, and Polar Bank, among others, this book (written by Dan Denison and his co-authors) combines twenty years of research and survey results to illustrate a critical set of cultural dynamics that firms need to manage in order to remain competitive. Each chapter uses a case as a means to illustrate an important aspect of culture ...
Based on John Bryson's acclaimed comprehensive approach to strategic planning, the Implementing and Sustaining Your Strategic Plan workbook provides a step-by-step process, tools, techniques, and worksheets to help successfully implement, manage, and troubleshoot an organization's strategy over the long haul. This new and immensely practical workbook helps organizations work through the typical challenges of leading implementation for sustained ...
This book provides an overview of current approaches and research in the field of international organizations with a focus on implementation issues in a globalized context. Written by a team of recognized leaders in the field, associated with the growing and influential International Organizations Network (ION). Covers topical issues such as managing virtual teams and globalization. Makes a cohesive statement about the field of international org ...
This book examines the opportunities for, and the effects and benefits of, collaborative working practices and their impact on supply chain performance. The first part of the book focuses on modeling the supply chain using conceptual frameworks to describe the relationship between collaboration and performance. The second part examines the issues around information systems alignment, and ensuring the management and coordination of interactions w ...
В пособии рассмотрены теоретические и практические вопросы проектирования и организации перевозок и складирования грузов в цепях поставок. Даны характеристика и особенности деловой логистики как комплексной системы эффективной организации грузопотоков. Цепи поставок рассмотрены как логистические цепи, состоящие из складов и соединяющих их транспортных звеньев и обеспечивающие взаимосвязи сфер производства, распределения и потребления в экономике ...
Das Flipchart ist das ideale Prasentationsmedium fur Teambesprechungen und Workshops, aber auch fur viele Seminare, Prasentationen oder Vortrage. Sein kompetenter Einsatz tragt entscheidend zur Einpragsamkeit von Inhalten bei und fordert Motivation und Arbeitsklima. Elke Meyer und Stefanie Widmann vermitteln Ideen und Anregungen fur alle Nutzer dieses Mediums, vom Einsteiger bis zum erfahrenen Trainer. Sie zeigen, wie jeder von uns Flipcharts an ...
In vielen Branchen kommen Unternehmen in ihren Geschaften immer schneller an strategische Wendepunkte, ausgelost durch Trends, Krisen und Innovationen. Am strategischen Wendepunkt entscheidet sich, ob es gelingt, geschaftlich zu neuen Ufern aufzubrechen, das hei?t eine strategische Transformation des Geschaftsmodells, des Produktspektrums und der Prozesse zu planen und umzusetzen. Auf solche Situationen zugeschnitten bietet dieses prozessorienti ...
Основан на результатах исследований зарубежных и отечественных специалистов, в том числе на разработках автора в сфере логистики и управления цепями поставок, включает в себя вопросы и задания, позволяющие контролировать качество обучения. Соответствует ФГОС ВО последнего поколения. Для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по направлениям бакалавриата и магистратуры «Экономика», «Менеджмент», «Сервис», «Торговое дело», а также для ...