Desperate in his search of the secret of life, young Dr Victor Frankenstein attempts to construct and then bring to life a previously inanimate creature. He succeeds, yet immediately finds himself horrified and repulsed by the fruit of his long-lasting labors and, as a result, abandons the creature without a word. This action begins a series of tragic events in the life of the scientist, as the enraged monster begins his quest to fill every minu ...
The Death of Ivan Ilyich – first published in 1886, is a novella by Leo Tolstoy, considered one of the masterpieces of his late fiction, written shortly after his religious conversion of the late 1870s. "Usually classed among the best examples of the novella", The Death of Ivan Ilyich tells the story of a high-court judge in 19th-century Russia and his sufferings and death from a terminal illness. Ivan Ilyich (Ilyich is a patronymic, his surna ...
"God Sees the Truth, But Waits" is a short story by Russian author Leo Tolstoy first published in 1872. The story, about a man sent to prison for a murder he didn't commit, takes the form of a parable of forgiveness. English translations were also published under titles «The Confessed Crime» and «Exiled to Siberia». The concept of the story of a man wrongfully accused of murder and banished to Siberia also appears in one of Tolstoy's previous wo ...
A Russian Christmas Party by Leo Tolstoy is about a generous family on the brink of ruin whose mother pins their hopes for restoring their fortune on their son, Nicolas' marriage to a wealthy bride. Nicolas isn't cooperating, for he loves a poor girl named Sonia. Alas! How will they see it through? The Christmas stories of the famous authors: Gilbert Keith Chesterton – A Christmas Carol, Lucy Maud Montgomery – A Christmas Inspiration, A Christm ...
In «A Letter to a Hindu», Tolstoy argued that only through the principle of love could the Indian people free themselves from colonial British rule. These ideas ultimately proved to be successful in 1947 in the culmination of the Indian Independence Movement. In 1908, Indian revolutionary Taraknath was wrote to Leo Tolstoy, by then one of the most famous public figures in the world, asking for the author’s support in India’s independence from B ...
The Awakening is a novel by Kate Chopin, first published in 1899. Set in New Orleans and on the Louisiana Gulf coast at the end of the 19th century, the plot centers on Edna Pontellier and her struggle between her increasingly unorthodox views on femininity and motherhood with the prevailing social attitudes of the turn-of-the-century American South. It is one of the earliest American novels that focuses on women's issues without condescension. ...
Радиоспектакль по мотивам романа «Двадцать лет спустя» Прошло 20 лет с того момента, как мушкетеры разрушили козни Ришелье против королевы. Теперь во Франции «смутные времена». Вражда между парламентом и королевским двором, выступления дворян против нового кардинала – Мазарини… Четверым друзьям вновь суждено встретиться, чтобы служить своей стране, однако на сей раз они оказываются «по разную сторону баррикад». Но девиз их молодости «Один з ...
Радиоспектакль по мотивам романа «Двадцать лет спустя» Прошло 20 лет с того момента, как мушкетеры разрушили козни Ришелье против королевы. Теперь во Франции «смутные времена». Вражда между парламентом и королевским двором, выступления дворян против нового кардинала – Мазарини… Четверым друзьям вновь суждено встретиться, чтобы служить своей стране, однако на сей раз они оказываются «по разную сторону баррикад». Но девиз их молодости «Один з ...
Радиоспектакль по мотивам романа «Двадцать лет спустя» Прошло 20 лет с того момента, как мушкетеры разрушили козни Ришелье против королевы. Теперь во Франции «смутные времена». Вражда между парламентом и королевским двором, выступления дворян против нового кардинала – Мазарини… Четверым друзьям вновь суждено встретиться, чтобы служить своей стране, однако на сей раз они оказываются «по разную сторону баррикад». Но девиз их молодости «Один з ...