Наравне с вязанием и анекдотами торты в нашей стране являются одним из любимых объектов подлинно народного творчества, и количество их рецептов не поддается перечислению. У этого блюда много родственников. Это и коврижки, и куличи, и бабы, но самый близкий, наверное, «тортилья» – испанская лепешка, без которой не мыслимо ни одно современное мексиканское блюдо. Существует великое множество рецептов тортов, но все они подразделяются на ряд семейст ...
Написанная со знанием дела автором бестселлера "Мужчина на кухни", эта огромная в 1000 с лишним страниц книга представляет собой колоссальный, поистине глобальный свод знаний в области кулинарии (и, кстати, не только русской). В книге собраны 4000 (!) рецептов первых, вторых и третьих блюд, которые украсят любой стол.
Delving into modern nutrition, culinary theory, Ayurvedic medicine and Naturopathy, this book introduces the guiding concepts behind the Better Food Bureau ethos. Come with us and explore the links between stress and digestive health, how organisation and conscious choices (or the lack thereof) can have a huge impact on your health, the importance of eating the right food for your body type, the Ayurvedic view on diet, and The Three Pillars of H ...
Your guide to brewing and enjoying homemade Kombucha! From the history of booch to brewing it in your own kitchen, this guide will be a staple part of your journey from conception to production. Skip through all the trial and error and find the answers to any questions with this guide to be successful on your first batch! ...
A compilation of 20 middle eastern healthy delicious recipes. Easy to cook <br />The secret to savouring healthy meals throughout the week is simple—prep work. The Healthy Meal Prep Cookbook offers expert advice that takes the challenge out of meal prep with practical and straightforward advice anyone can master—this meal prep cookbook is a great choice for new and experienced food preppers alike. ...
Marijuana is a palliative, an analgesic with anti-inflammatory properties ——it alleviates pain without addictive effects experienced with narcotics. You might think of marijuana as being something like an herbal aspirin. In fact, it was used in folk medicines like aspirin for thousands of years to soothe aches and pains before aspirin was discovered. When hearing marijuana most of us call up an image of recreational smoking to ...
This is a true and funny story from my childhood Christmas time which has universal appeal. It includes a biscuit recipe and a fudge recipe from my Grandmothers. ...
How to cook 50 cultural recipes, has been made up of traditional asia and english homemade dishes. A combination of some affordable meals and some simple meals, giving you ideas for dinner. ...