Физиологических удовольствий я знаю немного: секс, спорт, в который входит мордобой, ну и еда. Культа из еды не делаю, но радовать себя надо регулярно. Я как мужчина люблю мясо, зажаренное на огне. У меня целая батарея грилей и коптилен и масса рецептов под каждый девайс. На выходные и праздники мы собираемся с друзьями, едим, выпиваем. Совместное преломление хлебов – дело нешуточное. Это часть нашей национальной культуры. Момент единения. А уж ...
Packed with lightweight, mouthwatering recipes for backcountry adventurers, Another Fork in the Trail is focused on delicious, easy-to-prepare recipes for those following vegetarian and vegan diets. It includes more than 120 recipes, all of which survived Laurie Ann March's rigorous testing, both at home and in the backcountry. Many of the recipes are gluten-free as well and thus suitable for the growing number of those suffering from celia ...
Matt Kramer, author and columnist for Wine Spectator, calls The New California Wine some of the most insightful wine writing you'll read anywhere, claiming it offers the real skinny on cutting-edge California wine. Hugh Johnson, the author of The World Atlas of Wine, agrees, finding Jon Bonne's clear-eyed perspective to offer a fresh look at a mature wine culture [that's] heading in surprising directions. Both recognize not only B ...
Selles raamatus on Eesti rahvuskoogi parimad toidud labi aegade. On toite, mis juba sajandeid ajahambale vastu on pidanud ja neidki, mis Eesti Vabariigi sunnist alates on klassikaks saanud. Need on head kodused toidud, mida tehes koged aratundmisroomu koos uudsuse voluga. Utleb ju eesti vanasonagi, et koiki uus on unustatud vana. Ja pole paremat kodusest Eesti toidust! ...
Ruth Clemens, finalist on The Great British Bake Off, shows, through clear step-by-step photography, how to bake successfully, whatever the occasion. Divided into three technique sections: Creaming Methods, Whisked cakes, and Melting Methods, you can learn how to bake impressive celebration centerpieces, party cakes, birthday treats or just feed your family a delicious dessert. Each recipe will be detailed with techniques, hints, timings, shor ...
Bake Me I'm Yours…Cupcake Fun : Over 25 sugarcraft character designs for fun family baking, from top cake decorating author Carolyn White. Discover how to bake perfect cupcakes every time with easy-to-follow recipes and clever tips for professional results. You will also learn essential cake decorating techniques, including buttercream piping and creating character features with sugarpaste and rolled fondant icing – perfect for making uniq ...
This is a delicious collection of fun cake pop treats for every occasion. Over 40 colorful projects, from cute animals and romantic wedding rings, to creepy Halloween creatures and festive Christmas characters. The simple step-by-step instructions are perfect for beginners, while the gorgeous designs provide inspiration for the more experienced sugarcrafter. ...