Book’s focus on cancer and illness, food, family, and fertility/feminism provides opportunities for wide coverage and crossover to larger markets Book is the true story of a vegetarian in her late thirties cooking for her mother, an omnivore, who is diagnosed with a rare form of cancer Author is founding editor of Assay: A Journal of Nonfiction Studies and has a strong network with creative nonfiction/essay academic communities and influencers ...
The explosive growth of the local food movement is hardly news: Michael Pollan’s books sell millions and the spread of farm-to-table restaurants is practically viral. But calls for a “food revolution” come most often from a region where the temperature rarely varies more than a few degrees. In the national conversation about developing a sustainable and equitable food tradition, the huge portion of our population who ...
Салаты – украшение любого стола: как праздничного, так и повседневного. В настоящем издании представлены рецепты салатов на любой вкус: от простых до самых изысканных. В предложенных рецептах к каждому салату указываются не только ингредиенты, но и способ его приготовления, что, несомненно, облегчит труд хозяйки. ...
В течение нескольких столетий русская кухня пополнялась новыми рецептами блюд. Еще в правление Ивана Грозного на званых ужинах подавалось до 500 разнообразных кушаний (к примеру, короля Франции тогда потчевали лишь 50–60 яствами). В итоге до наших дней дошло такое количество рецептов, что сосчитать их нет никакой возможности. Русские кулинары оставили нам в наследство невероятное количество национальных блюд, это – уха, щи, борщ, солянка, рассо ...
Internationally known food historian William Woys Weaver presents a richly photographed gastronomical journey into the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch food traditions, with more than 100 heritage recipes and the colorful stories behind them – including Shoofly Cake, New Year’s Pretzels and the original Snickerdoodles. Dutch Treats explores the vast diversity of authentic baked goods, festive breads and pastries that we call Pennsylvania Dutch (nam ...
Spork-Fed is a savvy, upbeat introduction to super fun and flavorful vegan cuisine written by sisters Jenny Engel and Heather Goldberg, proprietors of Spork Foods – a Los-Angeles-based gourmet vegan food company. With full-color photographs throughout, this visually striking book shows you how to make everything from decadent desserts to homemade tofu. ...
Herbs are easy to grow anywhere, indoors or out, but do you know which ones do what in your foods and beverages…or how flavors play off of each other? A Taste for Herbs is an herb-seasoning master class for the home cook, gardener or taste-obsessed foodie. Let dedicated herb lover Sue Goetz guide you into the delicious world of 19 flavor-rich herbs. With 48 kitchen-tested herb recipes and full-color photographs throughout. ...
What do ravioli, dumplings, crepes, pierogi and Scotch eggs have in common? Simply put, these are foods that are stuffed inside of other foods to create a unique flavor treat. Stuffed , from Emmy and James Beard Award winner Chris Fennimore, long-time WQED Pittsburgh host, is a richly illustrated celebration of the amazing diversity and appeal of this simple universal concept, from humble to elegant. Inside, you’ll find recipes for traditional ...