Did you know that in ancient Europe the distribution of power is so great that nobles were very rich while the slaves were very poor? You can still some semblance of this class system today but it won't be as obvious. In this book, we're going to take a plunge into history and get glimpse of the world of the Ancient European nobles. ...
Did you know that for the longest time women were considered inferior to men? If you would review your history books, you will notice the great difference in status, rank and role in society. In this book, let's take a look at the women's rights during the medieval times. Do you think women were treated fairly then? Why or why not? ...
Der Heilige Gral und seine Erben Das Buch beginnt wie die Geschichte einer spannenden Schatzsuche, wird zum aufregenden Bericht uber den Templerorden, bis es schlie?lich in einer kuhnen Schlussfolgerung gipfelt, die an den Grundfesten unseres Geschichtsbildes und des christlichen Glaubens ruhrt: Es deutet den Heiligen Gral der mittelalterlichen Sagen als eine geschichtliche Realitat, die uns Jesus und seine Nachkommen in einem vollig neuen Lich ...
Ross Dunn here recounts the great traveler's remarkable career, interpreting it within the cultural and social context of Islamic society and giving the reader both a biography of an extraordinary personality and a study of the hemispheric dimensions of human interchange in medieval times. ...
In <i>Living Letters of the Law</i>, Jeremy Cohen investigates the images of Jews and Judaism in the works of medieval Christian theologians from Augustine to Thomas Aquinas. He reveals how—and why—medieval Christianity fashioned a Jew on the basis of its reading of the Bible, and how this hermeneutically crafted Jew assumed distinctive character and power in Christian thought and culture.<br /><br />Augustine's doct ...
Cemal Kafadar offers a much more subtle and complex interpretation of the early Ottoman period than that provided by other historians. His careful analysis of medieval as well as modern historiography from the perspective of a cultural historian demonstrates how ethnic, tribal, linguistic, religious, and political affiliations were all at play in the struggle for power in Anatolia and the Balkans during the late Middle Ages.<br /><br /& ...
Eine kurzweilige, aber nutzliche Geschichte des englischen Mittelalters In ihrem ersten Sachbuch erzahlt uns die Bestsellerautorin Rebecca Gable die Geschichte des englischen Mittelalters neu: kompetent und informativ, mitrei?end wie ein Roman. Lesen Sie, wie die Wikinger in Ermangelung anderer Freizeitaktivitaten England eroberten. Erleben Sie wie Eleanor von Aquitanien die Buhne betritt, eine der «unterhaltsamsten und wunderbarsten Skandalnude ...