Man's Worldly Goods – The Story of The Wealth of Nations By Leo Huberman Originally published in the 1930s, this is 'an attempt to explain history by economic theory, and economic theory by history'. It charts the path from feudalism to capitalism, and then looks beyond capitalism to a perceived socialist future. Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increa ...
In 1889, Samuel Winkworth Silver’s rubber and electrical factorywas the site of a massive worker revolt that upended the Londonindustrial district which bore his name: Silvertown. Once referredto as the “Abyss” by Jack London, Silvertown was notorious foroppressive working conditions and the relentless grind of productionsuffered by its largely unorganized, unskilled workers. Theseworkers, fed-up with their lot and ...
Almost 10 years ago the mineral-rich country of Mongolia experienced very rapid economic growth, fuelled by China’s need for coal and copper. New subjects, buildings, and businesses flourished, and future dreams were imagined and hoped for. This period of growth is, however, now over. Mongolia is instead facing high levels of public and private debt, conflicts over land and sovereignty, and a changed political climate that threatens its fragile ...
How do you get your dinner? That is the basic question of economics. When economist and philosopher Adam Smith proclaimed that all our actions were motivated by self-interest, he used the example of the baker and the butcher as he laid the foundations for the «economic man.» He argued that the baker and butcher didn't give bread and meat out of the goodness of their hearts. It's an ironic point of view coming from a bachelor who lived ...
The controversy over inequality has gathered steam with the publication of Thomas Piketty’s new book, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, a dense work of economic history that documents the rise of income inequality in recent decades and sets forth an agenda of taxation to deal with it. Piketty’s treatise has turned into a rallying point for those favoring income redistribution and higher taxes on the rich.In this Broadside, ...
In the 20th century, privatization and market capitalism have reconstructed Eastern Europe and lifted 800 million people – in China, Brazil, and India – out of poverty. In Economics Does Not Lie, noted French journalist Guy Sorman reveals that behind this unprecedented growth is not only the collapse of state socialism but also a scientific revolution in economics – one that is as of yet dimly understood by the public but increasingly embraced b ...
Этот текст – сокращенная версия книги Макса Вебера «Протестантская этика и дух капитализма». Только самые ценные мысли, идеи, кейсы, примеры. [i]О книге[/i] Философский труд Макса Вебера «Протестантская этика и дух капитализма» создан на стыке экономической социологии и социологии религии. Вебер, в пику Карлу Марксу, построил собственную модель социально-экономической эволюции, где в основе лежат не производственные силы, а религиозные веров ...
Людвиг фон Мизес (1881—1973) – один из величайших мыслителей ХХ в., австрийский экономист, философ и политолог. С 1940 г. жил и работал в США. Наибольшую известность ему принесли сочинения по экономике, прежде всего экономический анализ социализма, теория денег и теория экономического цикла. Мизес завершил разработку экономической теории австрийской школы, превратив ее в общую теорию человеческой деятельности – праксеологию, отличающуюся от есте ...
Ральф Норман Энджелл (1873–1967) – английский публицист и пацифист, Лауреат нобелевской премии мира 1933 г. В 1909 г. опубликовал небольшую книжку «Europe’s Optical Illusion», в которой исследовал экономические корни войны. На лорда Эшера (Реджинальда Бретта), влиятельного государственного деятеля и историка, книга произвела такое впечатление, что он разослал 200 экземпляров своим знакомым в Европе. В 1910 г. Энджелл переписал и расширил книжку, ...