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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Ислам / мусульманство
 The Koran
 The Koran

 Автор: Группа авторов

  As the sacred book of Islam, the Koran, or Qur'an in transliteration, is believed by devout Muslims to be the direct word of God, inscribed in Heaven and revealed by the archangel Gabriel to the prophet Muhammad before his death in A.D. 632. Written in Arabic, in rhymed prose, the text is not only regarded by believers as a guide to daily life but is also considered to be the finest work of Arabic prose in existence and one of the most impo
 A Secular Need
 A Secular Need

 Автор: Jeffrey A. Redding

  Whether from the perspective of Islamic law’s advocates, secularism’s partisans, or communities caught in their crossfire, many people see the relationship between Islamic law and secularism as antagonistic and increasingly discordant. In the United States there are calls for “sharia bans” in the courts, in western Europe legal limitations have been imposed on mosques and the wearing of headscarves, and in
 What's Up With Those Crazy Muslims
 What's Up With Those Crazy Muslims

 Автор: Irfan Alli

  From the kind of coverage Islam and Muslims receive in the media you would think it is an irrational and violent way of life, adopted by a bunch of lunatics. There are lunatics and terrorists in the Muslim community, but it is not possible that the more than one and a half billion Muslims around the world are all lunatics and terrorists.<br><br>It is important that you find out what these people really think and believe because they

 L'Islam La religion de l'humanitA©
 L'Islam La religion de l'humanitA©

 Автор: Maulana Muhammad Ali
 25 Prophets of Islam
 25 Prophets of Islam

 Автор: Irfan Alli

  Ever wondered who is a prophet, and if there is a connection between the work of one prophet and another? This book explains the role of a prophet and the relationship between the work of one prophet and another while sharing with you the names and lives of some of the prophets of Islam. <br><br>The prophets of Islam include: Adam, Idris (Enoch), Nuh (Noah), Hud (Heber), Saleh (Methusaleh), Lut (Lot), Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishma
 Le ProphA?te de l'Islam
 Le ProphA?te de l'Islam

 Автор: Maulana Muhammad Ali
 Muhammad le ProphA?te
 Muhammad le ProphA?te

 Автор: Maulana Muhammad Ali
 Le Califat Bien-GuidA©
 Le Califat Bien-GuidA©

 Автор: Maulana Muhammad Ali
 World War IV: Militant Islam's Battle For World Domination
 World War IV: Militant Islam's Battle For World Domination

 Автор: Sheldon JD Cohen

  Militant Islamic believers represents a small, but significant percentage of those who embrace the Muslim religion, it is powerful, well financed, and according to their own statements, hopeful of destroying the United States who they see as the Great Satan, the usurper of Muslim lands, the pilferer of Muslim resources and the one obstacle that stands in the way of their stated goal&mdash;an Islamic Caliphate controlling the entire world. &l
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