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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Искусство фотографии
 Canon EOS Rebel T3/1100D Digital Field Guide
 Canon EOS Rebel T3/1100D Digital Field Guide

 Автор: Charlotte Lowrie K.

  Learn to use every feature of your Canon T3/1100D and get great shots every time Digital Field Guides offer step-by-step information about digital camera controls as well as tips and techniques for getting great photos in various common situations. This handy guide, perfectly sized to fit in a camera bag, explains how to use every button, dial, and setting on your Rebel T3/1100D and also covers using the improved HD video features, and in-camera
 Digital Wedding Photography For Dummies
 Digital Wedding Photography For Dummies

 Автор: Amber Murphy

  Expert advice on becoming a successful wedding photographer Wedding photography can be a great hobby or home-based business. But while it's an exciting and lucrative field, it also has its challenges. Now, you can turn to Digital Wedding Photography For Dummies for friendly, hands-on guidance on selecting the right equipment, building a client list, and developing the skills and techniques needed to create stunning and memorable images. Covers t
 Canon EOS 50D Digital Field Guide
 Canon EOS 50D Digital Field Guide

 Автор: Charlotte Lowrie K.

  Charlotte Lowrie's indispensable guide to taking the best possible pictures with the Canon EOS 50D! Go well beyond the basics with this essential guide to getting great shots with the Canon EOS 50D camera. Professional photographer and bestselling author Charlotte Lowrie packs this portable guide with over 290 pages of beautiful full-color photos, proven techniques, and no-fail formulas for tapping all the features this exciting new high-resolut

 Canon Speedlite System Digital Field Guide
 Canon Speedlite System Digital Field Guide

 Автор: Michael Corsentino

  Get enlightened with this detailed coverage of Canon's Speedlite system If you use a digital SLR camera, then you understand just how critical it is to have a capable flash. A Canon Speedlite shines a whole new light on taking photos with a Canon DSLR. This full-color, in-depth guide takes you beyond the standard manual that accompanies a Canon Speedlite and shows you the types of settings you can use on your camera when working with off-camera
 Food Styling and Photography For Dummies
 Food Styling and Photography For Dummies

 Автор: Alison Parks-Whitfield

  Discover how to style and photograph food like the pros Whether you're taking shots for a foodie blog, advertisements, packaging, menus, or cookbooks, Food Styling & Photography For Dummies shows you how to take the next step in your passion for food and photography. This attractive, informative, and fun guide to the fundamentals of food styling provides information on the tools and techniques used by some of the most successful industry profess
 GoPro Cameras For Dummies
 GoPro Cameras For Dummies

 Автор: John Carucci

  Shoot, edit, and share action-packed video with a GoPro The world moves fast—so if you want to capture it in real time, only a fast-moving camera will do. Enter the GoPro! This small but powerful camera is easy to hold, wear, or mount to capture video of all your high-speed adventures. Unfortunately, to the uninitiated, it can be a bit intimidating—but fear not! With the help of this revised edition of GoPro Cameras For Dummies, you'll acquire t
 Canon EOS Rebel T6i / 750D For Dummies
 Canon EOS Rebel T6i / 750D For Dummies

 Автор: Robert Correll

  Get picture-perfect shots with your Canon EOS Rebel T6i/750D Your Canon EOS Rebel T6i/750D is capable of taking incredibly cool and truly frame-worthy photos, but unless you know how use it properly your pictures won't be worth a thousand words. Luckily, Canon EOS Rebel T6i/750D For Dummies is packed with the tips, tricks, and instruction you'd gain in a photography course to take the intimidation out of working with your new camera—so you can s
 Nikon D5300 Digital Field Guide
 Nikon D5300 Digital Field Guide

 Автор: J. Thomas Dennis

  Everything you need to know to take amazing photographs using your new DSLR The Nikon D5300 Digital Field Guide is filled with everything you need to know to take fantastic photos with your new Nikon. In full color, this portable guide covers all of the essential controls, features, and functions of the Nikon D5300, using step-by-step instructions and providing full-color images of each menu screen. Nikon users will love this comprehensive field
 От нуба до виртуоза: цианотипия 3.0
 От нуба до виртуоза: цианотипия 3.0

 Автор: Антон Евтушенко
 Год: 2016

  Сейчас мы переживаем новый период тотального увлечения синтетикой – красивыми, яркими, резкими, легко штампуемыми и распространяемыми картинками. Но это ненадолго. Абсолютная уверенность в чём бы то ни было – очень серьёзный повод задуматься. Всего каких-то пятнадцать лет назад никто не знал об альтернативной фотографии. Никто никогда на постсоветском пространстве не слышал таких слов, как цианотип, хризотил, каллитип. Но процесс отрезвления уже
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