An increasing number of business executives, managers and political leaders are using the concept of “weak signals” nowadays. There are also an increasing number of people trying to find out exactly what this concept means, as well as when and how to use it. Such questions arise particularly when it comes down to making strategic decisions. To help with these questions, this book defines the concept of the “weak signal” and then demonstrates how ...
Multimodal transport network customers need to be directed during their travels. A travel support tool can be offered by a Multimodal Information System (MIS), which allows them to input their needs and provides them with the appropriate responses to improve their travel conditions. The goal of this book is to design and develop methodologies in order to realize a MIS tool which can ensure permanent multimodal information availability before and ...
This book presents statistical models that have recently been developed within several research communities to access information contained in text collections. The problems considered are linked to applications aiming at facilitating information access: – information extraction and retrieval; – text classification and clustering; – opinion mining; – comprehension aids (automatic summarization, machine translation, visualization). In order to gi ...
Discusses all types of corporate risks and practical means of defending against them. Security is currently identified as a critical area of Information Technology management by a majority of government, commercial, and industrial organizations. Offers an effective risk management program, which is the most critical function of an information security program. ...
This book is about complexity in Information Systems (IS). The subject is addressed from both conceptual and applied perspectives. Concepts are drawn from information theory, industrial design and software engineering. Its content capitalizes on experiences gathered by the authors during various contracting jobs involving software architecture, modeling and IS architecture that were conducted for large organizations in the banking and industry s ...
Люди склонны преувеличивать и не договаривать, опросы не показывают всей картины, исследования недостаточно репрезентативны ? в общем, лгут все… Кроме Big Data! Перед вами сенсационная книга о том, как при помощи больших данных и современных технологий можно узнать всю подноготную современного общества. Автор этой книги, специалист Google по Data Science, выяснил, что скрывают люди, какие они на самом деле, а не какими хотят казаться. Что же он ...
В этой книге – два способа с пошаговым описанием, как заработать деньги на своем канале в Youtube. Причём, не нужно быть экспертом. В процессе подготовки для запуска вашего коммерческого проекта в Youtube вам не придётся ничего искать и изобретать – в книге перечислены необходимые инструменты и как их использовать лучшим образом.
Textual information in the form of digital documents quickly accumulates to create huge amounts of data. The majority of these documents are unstructured: it is unrestricted text and has not been organized into traditional databases. Processing documents is therefore a perfunctory task, mostly due to a lack of standards. It has thus become extremely difficult to implement automatic text analysis tasks. Automatic Text Summarization (ATS), by cond ...