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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
 Web 2.0 Heroes. Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers
 Web 2.0 Heroes. Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers

 Автор: Bradley Jones L.

  Web 2.0 may be an elusive concept, but one thing is certain: using the Web as merely a means of retrieving and displaying information is history. Today?s Web is immediate, interactive, innovative. It is user-controlled and community-driven. Organizations, marketers, application developers, and communicators must be ready to respond and to innovate or be left behind, and the experts featured on these pages are leading the charge. Their ideas are
 Technology Scorecards. Aligning IT Investments with Business Performance
 Technology Scorecards. Aligning IT Investments with Business Performance

 Автор: Sam Bansal

  Plan, execute, and sustain a successful IT campaign with Sam Bansal's perfect scorecard approach First came the dot.com bust, then the IT squeeze. Despite software being the tail that wags the dog in most corporations, the cham-pions of IT, the CIOs, are constantly under fire to justify and maximize their IT investments—past, present, and future. Learn how to establish Key Performance Indicators and Value Scorecards for IT to ensure maximum valu
 Managing Open Source Projects. A Wiley Tech Brief
 Managing Open Source Projects. A Wiley Tech Brief

 Автор: Jan Sandred

  The only guide to managing and integrating the open source model With the phenomenal success of Linux, companies are taking open source business solutions much more seriously than ever before. This book helps to satisfy the growing demand for guidance on how to manage open source enterprise development projects. Expert Jan Sandred explores the open source philosophy, describes current software tools for managing open source projects, and provide

 GarageBand For Dummies
 GarageBand For Dummies

 Автор: Bob LeVitus

  Get ready to rock with Apple's digital music recording studio Find out how to record, edit, mix, and master like a pro! Are you the next big thing in music – but the world just doesn't know it yet? Here's the guide that will help you create great-sounding recordings with GarageBand. Packed with useful information on setting up a digital studio, laying down tracks, working with loops, playing with MIDI and software instruments, and mixing tracks,
 AOL For Dummies
 AOL For Dummies

 Автор: John Kaufeld

  A traditional bestseller, AOL For Dummies is the only regularly updated reference book on the market for beginning AOL users Covers the essentials of signing up for AOL, getting around the AOL channels, using AOL's e-mail and instant messaging, and exploring the Web browser Helps first-time users take advantage of AOL's broadband content and the newest features of AOL 9.0 Optimized, such as improved safety features, e-mail systems, and on-demand
 Firefox For Dummies
 Firefox For Dummies

 Автор: Blake Ross

  Firefox For Dummies gives you the inside scoop on the exciting new browser from the Web wizard that got it started. The book's author, Blake Ross, began developing Firefox as a teenager. Once available to the world, the simple and powerful tool was an instant hit claiming a sizable share of the Web browser market with over 140 million downloads. In this book Blake not only gives you the lowdown on how to use Firefox for safe Web searching, but h
 AdWords For Dummies
 AdWords For Dummies

 Автор: Howie Jacobson

  AdWords lets every business-from eBay PowerSellers to Fortune 500 companies-create targeted, cost-efficient advertising campaigns on the Web, and accounts for the bulk of Google's $6 billion in annual revenues This all-new guide helps advertisers get a handle on AdWords complexities and nuances, adopt AdWords best practices, and turn clicks into ka-ching! Topics covered include conducting quick and cheap market research, crafting a message that
 YouTube For Dummies
 YouTube For Dummies

 Автор: Doug Sahlin

  YouTube For Dummies takes the classic Dummies tact in helping tech novices get a handle on a popular technology that more tech-savvy audiences consider «simple.» With so much content on YouTube getting media attention, more first-timers are jumping on the site and they need help. The book also helps the next step audience of users looking to add content to YouTube. Content includes: Watching the Tube – includes getting your PC ready for YouTube
 Amazon.com For Dummies
 Amazon.com For Dummies

 Автор: Mara Friedman

  If you’ve surfed the Web more than once, you’ve probably visited Amazon.com. Originally you may have gone there searching for books, but Amazon.com is so much more than a bookstore. The author of Amazon.com For Dummies®, who has been involved with the site from its beginnings, describes it as a shopping mall/home improvement store/bazaar/travel agency/newsstand/car lot, but most importantly, a community of buyers and sellers—people like you. Cou
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Oracle PL/SQL Programming
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