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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Зарубежная компьютерная литература
 IP Address Management
 IP Address Management

 Автор: Michael Dooley
 10 Strategien gegen Hackerangriffe
 10 Strategien gegen Hackerangriffe

 Автор: Georg Beham

  Unternehmen werden immer haufiger Opfer von Hacker- und Cyberangriffen. Diese werden oft falschlicherweise als rein technische Bedrohungen gesehen. Tatsachlich richten sich solche Angriffe gegen das Unternehmen selbst – meist mit dem Ziel; Losegeld zu erpressen und somit einen immensen finanziellen Schaden anzurichten. Cybersecurity ist daher Chefsache! Die kompakte QuickInfo erklart Ihnen; wer hinter den Angriffen steht; welche Motivation Angr
 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies and Design Complete Study Guide
 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies and Design Complete Study Guide

 Автор: William Panek

 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Study Guide
 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Study Guide

 Автор: David Higby Clinton
 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Study Guide
 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Study Guide

 Автор: David Higby Clinton

  Master the intricacies of Amazon Web Services  and efficiently prepare for the SAA-C02 Exam with this comprehensive study guide   AWS Certified Solutions Study Guide: Associate (SAA-C02) Exam, Third Edition  comprehensively and efficiently prepares you for the SAA-C02 Exam. The study guide contains robust and effective study tools that will help you succeed on the exam. The guide grants you access to the regularly updated Sybex online learni
 Security Engineering
 Security Engineering

 Автор: Ross Anderson

  Now that there’s software in everything, how can you make anything  secure? Understand how to engineer dependable systems with this newly updated classic    In  Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems, Third Edition  Cambridge University professor Ross Anderson updates his classic textbook and teaches readers how to design, implement, and test systems to withstand both error and attack.  This book became a be
 AWS Certified Data Analytics Study Guide
 AWS Certified Data Analytics Study Guide

 Автор: Asif Abbasi
 Data Control
 Data Control

 Автор: Jean-Louis Monino
 Windows 10 Portable Genius
 Windows 10 Portable Genius

 Автор: Paul McFedries

  Your  no-fluff, fast-paced guide to everything Windows 10   This handy, jargon-free guide is designed to help you quickly learn whatever you need to know about Windows 10. Perfect for novices and experienced users alike, you’ll get tips, tricks, and savvy advice on how to install programs, set up user accounts, play music and other media files, download photos from your digital camera, go online, set up and secure an email account, and much, 
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