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Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 История экономических учений
 Poor White
 Poor White

 Автор: Edward-John Bottomley

  Edward-John Bottomley traces the history of poor whites – and especially the Afrikaans-speakers – in South Africa. From the late 19th Century, to the inquests on white poverty in the early 20th Century to the apartheid government's response to this grouping of people, they have always been seen as a special problem to be solved.

 Автор: Edward-John Bottomley

  Edward-John Bottomley volg die verhaal van wit armoede in Suid-Afrika, van die 19de eeu toe die kategorie 'armblanke' eers geskep is.Die kerk en regering het armblankes probeer 'red' as deel van die apartheidsplan, want wit armoede kon lei na rasse-integrasie; vandag reageer politici weer op verskillende maniere op die verskynsel. 'n Vars blik op 'n ou geskiedenis, met implikasies vir die hede.
 Mining in a Medieval Landscape
 Mining in a Medieval Landscape

 Автор: Professor Steve Rippon

 The Itinerant Economist
 The Itinerant Economist

 Автор: Russell Jones L.

  Economists and bankers have long been much maligned individuals, but never more so than in the wake of the Global Financial Crisis. Working as an economist for various financial institutions for more than twenty-five years Russell Jones had a foot in both camps. He plied his trade in a number of global financial centres – including London, Tokyo, Sydney, New York and Abu Dhabi – experiencing at first hand the extraordinary ebb and flow of an ind
 History of Money
 History of Money

 Автор: Glyn Davies

  This is a straight-forward, readable account, written with the minimum of jargon, of the central importance of money in the ordinary business of the life of different people throughout the ages from ancient times to the present day. It includes the Barings crisis and the report by the Bank of England on Barings Bank; up-to-date information on the state of Japanese banking and the changes in the financial scene in the US. It also touches on the U
 Feeding Globalization
 Feeding Globalization

 Автор: Jane Hooper

  Between 1600 and 1800, the promise of fresh food attracted more than seven hundred English, French, and Dutch vessels to Madagascar. Throughout this period, European ships spent months at sea in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, but until now scholars have not fully examined how crews were fed during these long voyages. Without sustenance from Madagascar, European traders would have struggled to transport silver to Asia and spices back to Europe.
 When Sugar Ruled
 When Sugar Ruled

 Автор: Patricia Juarez-Dappe

  Two tropical commodities—coffee and sugar—dominated Latin American export economies in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. When Sugar Ruled: Economy and Society in Northwestern Argentina, Tucuman, 1876–1916 presents a distinctive case that does not quite fit into the pattern of many Latin American sugar economies. During the last quarter of the nineteenth century, the province of Tucuman emerged as Argentina’s main sugar producer, it
 A Theory of Capitalist Regulation
 A Theory of Capitalist Regulation

 Автор: Michel Aglietta

  Michel Aglietta’s path-breaking book is the first attempt at a rigorous historical theory of the whole development of US capitalism, from the Civil War to the Carter presidency. A major document of the “Regulation School” of heterodox economics, it was received as the boldest book in its field since the classic studies of Paul Baran, Paul Sweezy and Harry Braverman. This edition includes a substantial postface by Aglietta, which situates regula
 Economics as Religion
 Economics as Religion

 Автор: Robert H. Nelson

  Robert Nelson’s Reaching for Heaven on Earth , Economics as Religion , and The New Holy Wars: Economic Religion Versus Environmental Religion in Contemporary America read almost like a trilogy, exploring and charting the boundaries of theology and economics from the Western foundations of ancient Greece through the traditions that Nelson identifies as “Protestant” and “Roman,” and on into mod
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