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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 История экономических учений
 Collective Courage
 Collective Courage

 Автор: Jessica Gordon Nembhard

  In Collective Courage , Jessica Gordon Nembhard chronicles African American cooperative business ownership and its place in the movements for Black civil rights and economic equality. Not since W. E. B. Du Bois’s 1907 Economic Co-operation Among Negro Americans has there been a full-length, nationwide study of African American cooperatives. Collective Courage extends that story into the twenty-first century. Many of the players ar
 Deutsche Mark Diplomacy
 Deutsche Mark Diplomacy

 Автор: Randall E. Newnham
 Economics as Religion
 Economics as Religion

 Автор: Robert H. Nelson

  In this study, Robert H. Nelson explores the genesis, the prophets, the prophesies, and the tenets of what he sees as a religion of economics that has come into full blossom in latter-day America. Nelson does not see "theology" as a bad word, and his examination of the theology underlying Samuelsonian and Chicagoan economics is not a put-down. It is a way of seeing the rhetoric of fundamental belief—what has been call

 Thank You, Anarchy
 Thank You, Anarchy

 Автор: Nathan Schneider

  Thank You, Anarchy is an up-close, inside account of Occupy Wall Street’s first year in New York City, written by one of the first reporters to cover the phenomenon. Nathan Schneider chronicles the origins and explosive development of the Occupy movement through the eyes of the organizers who tried to give shape to an uprising always just beyond their control. Capturing the voices, encounters, and beliefs that powered the movement, Schneider b

 Автор: Andre Gunder Frank

  Andre Gunder Frank asks us to <i>ReOrient</i> our views away from Eurocentrism—to see the rise of the West as a mere blip in what was, and is again becoming, an Asia-centered world. In a bold challenge to received historiography and social theory he turns on its head the world according to Marx, Weber, and other theorists, including Polanyi, Rostow, Braudel, and Wallerstein. Frank explains the Rise of the West in world economic and d
 Labor and Imperial Democracy in Prewar Japan
 Labor and Imperial Democracy in Prewar Japan

 Автор: Andrew Gordon

  Labor and Imperial Democracy in Prewar Japan examines the political role played by working men and women in prewar Tokyo and offers a reinterpretation of the broader dynamics of Japan's prewar political history. Gordon argues that such phenomena as riots, labor disputes, and union organizing can best be understood as part of an early twentieth-century movement for «imperial democracy» shaped by the nineteenth-century drive to promote capi
 Economics and the Historian
 Economics and the Historian

 Автор: Thomas G. Rawski
 The State and Labor in Modern Japan
 The State and Labor in Modern Japan

 Автор: Sheldon Garon

 Автор: Fred L. Block

  Virtually everyone&mdash;left, right, and center&mdash;believes that capitalist economies are autonomous, coherent, and regulated by their own internal laws. This view is an illusion. The reality is that economies organized around the pursuit of private profit are contradictory, incoherent, and heavily shaped by politics and governmental action. But the illusion remains hugely consequential because it has been embraced by political and e
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