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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 История экономических учений
 We Sell Drugs
 We Sell Drugs

 Автор: Suzanna Reiss

  This history of US-led international drug control provides new perspectives on the economic, ideological, and political foundations of a Cold War American empire. US officials assumed the helm of international drug control after World War II at a moment of unprecedented geopolitical influence embodied in the growing economic clout of its pharmaceutical industry.<BR /><BR /><I>We Sell Drugs</I> is a study grounded in the t
 The Blind Decades
 The Blind Decades

 Автор: Philippe Askenazy

  France is often described as one of the last Western economies unable to reform itself in the face of globalization. Yet its economy has not fallen by the wayside and has even resisted the great recession that began in 2008. By interlinking historical, economic, and political factors and by comparing France with other nations, this book explains the puzzle presented by the development of France. Understanding France's economy requires downp
 The People Want
 The People Want

 Автор: Gilbert Achcar

  "The people want . . .": This first half of slogans chanted by millions of Arab protesters since 2011 revealed a long-repressed craving for democracy. But huge social and economic problems were also laid bare by the protestors’ demands. <br /><br />Simplistic interpretations of the uprising that has been shaking the Arab world since a young street vendor set himself on fire in Central Tunisia, on 17 December 2010, seek to portra

 Arbitraging Japan
 Arbitraging Japan

 Автор: Hirokazu Miyazaki

  For many financial market professionals worldwide, the era of high finance is over. The times in which bankers and financiers were the primary movers and shakers of both economy and society have come to an abrupt halt. What has this shift meant for the future of capitalism? What has it meant for the future of the financial industry? What about the lives and careers of financial operators who were once driven by utopian visions of economic, socia
 The Modern World-System I
 The Modern World-System I

 Автор: Immanuel Wallerstein

  Immanuel Wallerstein’s highly influential, multi-volume opus, <i>The Modern World-System,</i> is one of this century’s greatest works of social science. An innovative, panoramic reinterpretation of global history, it traces the emergence and development of the modern world from the sixteenth to the twentieth century.
 The Modern World-System III
 The Modern World-System III

 Автор: Immanuel Wallerstein

  Immanuel Wallerstein’s highly influential, multi-volume opus, <i>The Modern World-System,</i> is one of this century’s greatest works of social science. An innovative, panoramic reinterpretation of global history, it traces the emergence and development of the modern world from the sixteenth to the twentieth century.
 The Modern World-System II
 The Modern World-System II

 Автор: Immanuel Wallerstein

  Immanuel Wallerstein’s highly influential, multi-volume opus, <i>The Modern World-System,</i> is one of this century’s greatest works of social science. An innovative, panoramic reinterpretation of global history, it traces the emergence and development of the modern world from the sixteenth to the twentieth century.
 The Modern World-System IV
 The Modern World-System IV

 Автор: Immanuel Wallerstein

  Immanuel Wallerstein’s highly influential, multi-volume opus, <i>The Modern World-System,</i> is one of this century’s greatest works of social science. An innovative, panoramic reinterpretation of global history, it traces the emergence and development of the modern world from the sixteenth to the twentieth century. This new volume encompasses the nineteenth century from the revolutionary era of 1789 to the First World War. In this
 The German Worker
 The German Worker

 Автор: Группа авторов
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