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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 История экономических учений
 Guide To Investing in Gold & Silver
 Guide To Investing in Gold & Silver

 Автор: Michael Maloney

  Michael Maloney is widely recognized as a leading expert on monetary history, economics, economic cycles investing, and precious metals. He is CEO and founder of GoldSilver.com, one of the world's largest gold and silver bullion dealers, CEO and founder of WealthCycles.com, an educational website, and host of the most popular video series on the topics of monetary history, economics and economic cycles, The Hidden Secrets of Money.
 Капитал и процент. Том 2. Позитивная теория капитала. Том 3. Экскурсы
 Капитал и процент. Том 2. Позитивная теория капитала. Том 3. Экскурсы

 Автор: Ойген Бем-Баверк
 Год: 1921
 The World’s First Stock Exchange
 The World’s First Stock Exchange

 Автор: Lodewijk Petram

 Alexander Hamilton on Finance, Credit, and Debt
 Alexander Hamilton on Finance, Credit, and Debt

 Автор: David Cowen
 The Coming of Neo-Feudalism
 The Coming of Neo-Feudalism

 Автор: Joel Kotkin

  Following a remarkable epoch of greater dispersion of wealth and opportunity, we are inexorably returning towards a more feudal era marked by greater concentration of wealth and property, reduced upward mobility, demographic stagnation, and increased dogmatism. If the last seventy years saw a massive expansion of the middle class, not only in America but in much of the developed world, today that class is declining and a new, more hierarchical s
 Lineages of Revolt
 Lineages of Revolt

 Автор: Adam Hanieh

  While the outcomes of the tumultuous uprisings that continue to transfix the Arab world remain uncertain, the root causes of rebellion persist. Drawing upon extensive empirical research, Lineages of Revolt tracks the major shifts in the region’s political economy over recent decades. In this illuminating and original work, Adam Hanieh explores the contours of neoliberal policies, dynamics of class and state formation, imperialism and t
 A Glance in the Rear View Mirror
 A Glance in the Rear View Mirror

 Автор: Eric Toussaint

 Blood and Money
 Blood and Money

 Автор: David McNally

  David McNally is a celebrated inter-disciplinary academic, with previous books on economics, cultural studies, linguistics, and history. This book accessibly draws from a number of these fields of expertise to offer a unique theory of moneyBy connecting the origins of money directly to the enslavement of human beings, McNally's controversial but convincingly supported new view will become an important point of reference for scholars of both
 Interdisciplinary Studies of the Political Order
 Interdisciplinary Studies of the Political Order

 Автор: Группа авторов
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