e-artnow presents to you this meticulously edited and formatted eBook of «Black Rebellion: Five Slave Revolts» by Thomas Wentworth Higginson that is adjusted for readability on all devices. Contents: The Maroons of Jamaica The Maroons of Surinam Gabriel's Defeat Denmark Vesey Nat Turner's Insurrection Thomas Wentworth Higginson (1823-1911) was an American Unitarian minister, author, abolitionist, and soldier. He was active in t ...
Racial divide in America is hinged upon the precarious relations between the two communities—the dominant Whites American and the marginalised Black Americans. Behind every push-back against the Blacks, even after five decades of Civil Rights Movement, is an unshakeable belief in the idea White Supremacy. Read this book to understand why the Black Americans are indignant, angry and raring to dismantle the structures of epistemic racism. This boo ...
The Underground Railroad was a secret network of routes used by Southern slaves in escaping to the North. In their attempts they were often guided and helped by former fugitive slaves and abolitionist who were known as the conductors. Read about these incredible and unforgettable life journeys and the people who took these treacherous routes to freedom. This edition includes the narratives of Harriet Tubman and Laura S. Haviland, the female cond ...
"In the quarter century that followed American entry into World War II, the nation's armed forces moved from the reluctant inclusion of a few segregated Negroes to their routine acceptance in a racially integrated military establishment. Nor was this change confined to military installations. By the time it was over, the armed forces had redefined their traditional obligation for the welfare of their members to include a promise of equ ...
"The Bible gives the first and only true account of the origin of mankind. It is the only book containing an accurate record of the progress of man toward civilization, and it is the indispensable reference of all searchers after the real facts of the birth of humanity and its progress toward the civilization of today; beginning with his creation, it is the only authentic record of man; authentic because it is first hand, not a copy of some ...
Este libro quiere dar a conocer una metodologia para promover la adopcion de estilos de vida saludables, plasmada en cinco estrategias educomunicativas («Lava tu pila y hazle imposible la vida al zancudo», «Una ninez sana, que vacaneria», «Separa lo que botes antes de echarlo al pote» «Amar para vivir, una estrategia llena de amor para ti y los tuyos» «Pa' comer bien, pa' correr con ganas, Paco la mejor compania») que tuvieron origen e ...
Como un conjunto de ensayos en torno a tres pensadores chilenos (Fernando Atria, Mario Gongora y Guadalupe Santa Cruz) Fragmento de Chile es una interrogacion radical en torno al presente. En el, resuena el Golpe de Estado de 1973 como una fuerza que no deja de suceder y que expone la desnudez de una Republica devastada por las nuevas articulaciones de la razon neoliberal.Los tres ensayos trabajan desde una secreta tesis que funciona como su hil ...
Teoria del conocimiento es la disciplina filosofica que estudia como es el conocer humano y cuales son sus niveles. El conocimiento se da en planos distintos, organizados y jerarquizados: no es lo mismo ver un arbol, que recordarlo o imaginarlo, tambien es distinto el acto cognoscitivo que lo entiende, lo valora o lo distingue de otras realidades. Son actos diversos, mas o menos intensos y elevados. Aqui se estudian los cuatro niveles del conoce ...
The main theme and objective of this book is the evolution of the Irish attitude towards Poland and the Poles during the first half of the nineteenth century. The book explores advanced Irish-Polish relations, emphasising the place of the Polish Question in the process of shaping modern Irish nationalism, and how from a distant, nearly exotic, country before the end of the eighteenth century, Poland became a source of parallels for the Irish nat ...