Power systems worldwide are going through a paradigm shift from centralized generation to distributed generation. This book presents the SYNDEM (i.e., synchronized and democratized) grid architecture and its technical routes to harmonize the integration of renewable energy sources, electric vehicles, storage systems, and flexible loads, with the synchronization mechanism of synchronous machines, to enable autonomous operation of power systems, a ...
Nikola Tesla was a genius who revolutionized how the world looks at electricity. «For ages this idea [that each of us is only part of a whole] has been proclaimed in the consummately wise teachings of religion, probably not alone as a means of insuring peace and harmony among men, but as a deeply founded truth. The Buddhist expresses it in one way, the Christian in another, but both say the same: We are all one.» ...
Sustainable energy access planning, unlike traditional energy planning, gives primary importance to the energy demand of both poor and nonpoor households, the need to make cleaner energy services more affordable to the poor, the costs of both supply-side and demand-side access options, and the sustainability of technology and resource options. As such, this type of energy planning contributes to low carbon development and achievement of Sustaina ...
This book is an ideal reference text for teaching renewable energy to engineering and science students, as well as a reference book for scientists and professionals doing self study on the subject. The book has twelve chapters and starts with the definition and classification of renewable and non renewable energy and their status at global level. This chapter also contains the basic heat transfer mechanisms and laws of thermodynamics. It then de ...
Quantum mechanics – big words for little kids. Use this educational resource to better explain the theories of Atoms, Molecules and Quantum Mechanics for Kids. Instead of heading down the route of complex texts, this book utilizes an effective combination of words and pictures. On top of that, the layout is extremely child-friendly. Read a copy and you'll see what we mean! ...