What goes through your mind when you’re dropped alone in the middle of the Alaska Range, the cold and darkness surrounding you without another human being for miles? Arctic explorer Lonnie Dupre had made a career out of working in teams to survive in extreme conditions and places most humans wouldn't dare to tread. But shortly after Dupre found himself alone after a twenty-year marriage, he decided he needed to summit Denali, the contine ...
What does it take to move forty dogs, three sleds, twenty tons of food and gear, and six men from all over the world across nearly four thousand of the coldest miles on earth? Cathy de Moll, the executive director of the 1990 International Trans-Antarctica Expedition, introduces the wild cast of characters who made it happen, on the ice and off: leaders Will Steger and Jean-Louis Etienne, who first met accidentally, on the way to the North Pole; ...
On March 7, 1986, the seven men and one woman of the Steger International Polar Expedition set out by dogsled to reach the North Pole. Their spectacular feat of daring, courage, and commitment was deemed by National Geographic to be a "landmark in polar exploration." The melting of the polar ice cap makes it unlikely that anyone will repeat their achievement. ...
Under the corn and soybean fields of southern Minnesota lies the memory of vast, age-old wetlands, drained away over the last 130 years in the name of agricultural progress. But not everyone saw wetlands as wasteland. Before 1900, Freeborn County's Big Marsh provided a wealth of resources for the neighboring communities. Families hunted its immense flocks of migrating waterfowl, fished its waters, trapped muskrats and mink, and harvested ...
the author is well-known in the Midwest, especially in Minnesota and the Twin Cities. can sell to readers of contemporary poetry, women's poetry, Midwest regional poetry. can sell to readers of wilderness literature, and memoir of place (northern Minnesota). Reviews in Minneapolis Tribune, Saint Paul Pioneer Press, Duluth News-Tribune, Lake Superior Magazine, Boundary waters Canoe Area Journal. will try for interviews on Minnesota Public Ra ...
Pretend the World confronts our false sense of safety in our self-created worlds. From her St. Paul kitchen to the historical shores of Lake Superior, from an airplane above Bagdad to a clothing factory in Guangdong, Kathryn Kysar pretends the glimmering and the sordid in these honest, searing poems that explore the inequities, cracks, and fissures in women's constructed lives.Kathryn Kysar is the author of Dark Lake (Loonfeather Press, 200 ...
Что такое «НЛО», пройдёт ли колонизация Луны, зачем был нужен робот Фёдор, чем ракета Ангара отличается ракет Илона Маска, какие зарплаты у космонавтов? Вопросы были и обывательские, и строго научные. Помогал разобраться в тонкостях современной космонавтики популяризатор науки Виталий Егоров. ...
31 декабря 1899 – начало эфемеридного времени. Зачем оно было нужно? В любой физической формуле и любом уравнении всегда присутствует время. А время должно быть константой. Это сейчас у нас есть сложные приборы, которые определяют, что такое секунда, у нас есть эталоны. Раньше же любой параметр определялся из наблюдений, – начал свой рассказ астрофизик, сотрудник Московского Планетария Александр Перхняк. ...
В 60-х годах представления о космосе был более оптимистичные, чем сейчас, и Марс представлялся более комфортным, и про Луну думали: нужна или не нужна. О разработках Илона Маска, идее города на Марсе, МКС, космосе и пластической хирургии рассказал популяризатор космонавтики, автор блога о космонавтике Виталий Егоров. ...